
2020.08.10 01:05


・入会金 ¥30,000

・登録料 ¥10,000

・月会費・サポート ¥15.000

・相談・カウンセリング(国内) 無料

・相談・カウンセリング(海外) 出張毎算出

・お見合料(国内) ¥5,000(5回まで無料)

・お見合い(海外)  出張毎算出

・ご成婚料 ¥600,000〜 




Angel ☆ Heart has about 750 counseling offices and about 14,000 people.

You can search for a partner from the member network.

The Japan Matchmakers' Federation has "marriage first principle" with about 750 dating agencies nationwide.

It is a federation organization that creates a network of about 14,000 members.

With the cooperation of the reliable member information that confirmed the identity and the experienced counseling office,

You can search for a matchmaking partner from all over the country that meets the wishes of the members who are taking care of you. 
