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The Materiality of Interaction: Notes on the Materials of Interaction Design by Mikael Wiberg

- The Materiality of Interaction: Notes on the Materials of Interaction Design
- Mikael Wiberg
- Page: 208
- Format: pdf, ePub, mobi, fb2
- ISBN: 9780262037518
- Publisher: MIT Press
Downloading audiobooks to mp3 The Materiality of Interaction: Notes on the Materials of Interaction Design
The Materiality of Interaction: Notes on the Materials of Interaction Design by Mikael Wiberg A new approach to interaction design that moves beyond representation and metaphor to focus on the material manifestations of interaction. Smart watches, smart cars, the Internet of things, 3D printing: all signal a trend toward combining digital and analog materials in design. Interaction with these new hybrid forms is increasingly mediated through physical materials, and therefore interaction design is increasingly a material concern. In this book, Mikael Wiberg describes the shift in interaction design toward material interactions. He argues that the "material turn" in human-computer interaction has moved beyond a representation-driven paradigm, and he proposes "material-centered interaction design" as a new approach to interaction design and its materials. He calls for interaction design to abandon its narrow focus on what the computer can do and embrace a broader view of interaction design as a practice of imagining and designing interaction through material manifestations. A material-centered approach to interaction design enables a fundamental design method for working across digital, physical, and even immaterial materials in interaction design projects. Wiberg looks at the history of material configurations in computing and traces the shift from metaphors in the design of graphical user interfaces to materiality in tangible user interfaces. He examines interaction through a material lens; suggests a new method and foundation for interaction design that accepts the digital as a design material and focuses on interaction itself as the form being designed; considers design across substrates; introduces the idea of "interactive compositions"; and argues that the focus on materiality transcends any distinction between the physical and digital.
Thomas Meneweger – Center for Human-Computer Interaction
Thomas Meneweger. Thomas Meneweger is working as a Research Fellow at the Center for Human-Computer Interaction. The Materiality of Interactions Fictional Job Postings As an Instrument to Discuss Interactive Futures of Work," in Proceedings of the 2017 Conference on Designing Interactive Systems, 2017, pp .
Ny bok om interaktionsdesign - Forskning - Umeå universitet
Ny bok om interaktionsdesign. [2017-09-05] Mikael Wiberg, professor vid institutionen för Informatik, kommer ut med en ny bok om interaktionsdesign. Bokens titel är The Materiality of Interaction: Notes on the Materials of InteractionDesign (MIT Press) och kommer ut i början av 2018. Kort sammanfattning på engelska:
Sustainable interaction design
The paper proposes (i) a rubric for understanding the material effects of particularinteraction design cases in terms of forms of use, reuse, and disposal, .. Xiao Zhang , Ron Wakkary, Design analysis: understanding e-waste recycling by Generation Y, Proceedings of the 2011 Conference on Designing
Empowering Materiality: Inspiring the Design of Tangible Interactions
derive a list of material-induced interactions. Third, we suggest form-relatedinteractions as a means of designing future tangible interfaces. Author Keywords.Design; Prototyping; Materiality; Glass; Interaction;. Tangible user interface; Organic user interface; Natural user interface; Guides; Craftsmanship
Archives - International Journal of Design
Digital Materiality, Embodied Practices and Fashionable Interactions in theDesign of Soft Wearable Technologies. The Hedonic Haptic Player GraphicDesigner Wanted: A Document Analysis of the Described Skill Set of Graphic Designers in Job Advertisements from the United Kingdom. How Design Education Can Use
Exploring material-centered design concepts for tangible interaction
Heekyoung Jung , Erik Stolterman, Form and materiality in interaction design: a new approach to HCI, CHI '11 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in .. In this paper, we consider the impacts of game addons on conventional notions of game -based expertise in World of Warcraft, through the analysis of
Skeu the Evolution: Skeuomorphs, Style, and the Material of
Tangible Interactions, Materiality, Medium Specificity,. Skeuomorphs. ACM Classification Keywords. H.5.2 Information interfaces and presentation (e.g., HCI ): .. In this framing, the skeuomorphic design ele- ments in Poly-Ana are a subtle means of helping musicians to produce good music. Apple Notes.
The Materiality of Interaction - Mikael Wiberg - böcker - Adlibris
A new approach to interaction design that moves beyond representation and metaphor to focus on the material manifestations of interaction.Smart watches, smart cars, the Internet of things, 3D printing: all signal a trend toward combining digital and analog materials in design. Interaction with these new hybrid forms is
Form and materiality in interaction design: a new - ResearchGate
on this analysis, we suggest a model of four different types of forms: the cognitive, embodied, expressive, and exploratory forms. Reflecting on this model, we propose form-driven interaction design research with its epistemological and methodological implications. Keywords. Form, materiality, material
Giving form to computational things - ACM Digital Library
Vallgårda A (2009) Computational composites--understanding the materiality of computational technology. PhD Dissertation. IT University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark. 2. Erica Robles , Mikael Wiberg, Texturing the "material turn" in interaction design, Proceedings of the fourth international
Methodology for materiality: interaction design - ACM Digital Library
Increasingly, human---computer interaction (HCI) is acknowledging the material dimensions of our subject. In doing so, a wide repertoire of methods is currently being explored for conducting interaction design research through a material lens. These methods range from material studies and studies in
Texturing the “Material Turn” in Interaction Design - Semantic Scholar
digital benefit interaction design. We ground texture in case study of the Icehotel, a spectacular frozen edifice. The site demonstrates how a mundane material can be re-imagined as precious and novel. By focusing on the texture of ice, designers craft its extension into the realm of computational materiality.
Computational Compositions: Aesthetics, Materials, and Interaction
executed by a team of diverse experts. This approach opens new avenues for theanalysis and practice of interaction design. Keywords – Aesthetics, Atoms and Bits, Computational Composition, Computational Materiality, Icehotel, InteractionDesign, Materials,. Texture. Relevance to Design Practice – With
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