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Pdf ebook collection download Project Stargate

2021.02.16 21:54

Project Stargate and Remote Viewing Technology: The CIA's Files on Psychic Spying. Axel Balthazar

Project Stargate and Remote Viewing Technology: The CIA's Files on Psychic Spying

ISBN: 9781939149985 | 300 pages | 8 Mb
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Download Project Stargate and Remote Viewing Technology: The CIA's Files on Psychic Spying

Pdf ebook collection download Project Stargate and Remote Viewing Technology: The CIA's Files on Psychic Spying

CIA Used Remote Viewing to Learn about Mars Pyramids The remote viewer, who was not aware that the coordinates given were on the planet Mars, described seeing pyramids, futuristic technologies and a very tall viewers described in the CIA documents was the famed psychic Ingo Swann. One assignment in 1975 was to spy on secret bases on the Moon,  The Stargate Conundrum - Eye of The Psychic The US Government's secret pursuit of the psychic drug . A man with no trepidations in linking the CIA with the remote viewing project is Jack Sarfatti . Today, such technology is commonly available and as part of Frontier Sciences . begins his search for an effective “truth serum” to be used on POWs and captured spies. Psychic Warrior : Inside the CIA's Stargate Program: The True Story An ex-army officer reveals his experiences working for the CIA as a psychic and his using psychic spies, operatives who garnered information through "remoteviewing. "A crackling saga that makes the X-Files look like The Waltons. . involved in project Stargate, the government's secret psychic espionage program. PROJECT STARGATE AND REMOTE VIEWING ISBN - Deep Books PROJECT STARGATE AND REMOTE VIEWING TECHNOLOGY. The CIA's Fileson Psychic Spying. Axel Balthazar. In the 1970s, the CIA was concerned about  Remote Viewing (aka sensing with the mind) - Goodreads Top secret ESP project now mainstream: 2014 remote viewing conference . Foremost Psychic Spy and the Cover-Up of the CIA's Top-Secret Stargate Program CIA Posts Huge Cache of RV Files article. By the 1960s, the Soviets began to merge technology with ideas considered to be  Your Cart - Our Books | Adventures Unlimited Press Bookstore LIQUID CONSPIRACY 2: The CIA, MI5 and Big Pharma's War on Psychedelics By Xaviant Haze. PROJECT STARGATE AND REMOTE VIEWINGTECHNOLOGY: The CIA's Files on Psychic Spying Edited by Axel Balthazar. 300 Pa. Nowhere to Hide: How CIA Used Clairvoyance to Spy on Martians Recently declassified CIA files reveal that at some point the agency A remoteviewing of the first site revealed an okra-colored "pyramid or a especially considering the fate of the Stargate Project – a secret US military unit established by DIA in 1978 to investigate the potential for psychic phenomena in  Mind Warrior: Strategies for Total Mental Domination - Google Books Result Dr. Haha Lung, Christopher B Prowant - ‎2010 - Sports & Recreation Your Cart - Our Books | Adventures Unlimited Press Bookstore PROJECT STARGATE AND REMOTE VIEWING TECHNOLOGY: The CIA's Fileson Psychic Spying Edited by Axel Balthazar. 300 Pa Price: $22.00.

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