Ameba Ownd




2021.02.24 09:06



 THERE had been a discussion on the power of money by members of Hannen Swaffer's Home Circle, and when the seance began Silver Birch made this comment: “All that has to be achieved in your world is achieved from the spirit, the human spirit, that has determined to conquer because, whether it knows it or not, it is part of divinity and it demands expression. The strength of all pioneers comes not from any-thing material, but from the spirit, whether it be the ceaseless urging from within, or the inspiration from without.

 "Unfortunately, your world is still in the clutches of material-ism. It thinks in terms of money; it reckons as higher the one who has more wealth; it grades not according to character but according to earthly riches, position, title, birth. But none of these is enduring; they are but the outward trappings, they are not part of reality.

 "The true scale of values is dependent upon the spiritual growth of the individual, and that he achieves for himself wholly and solely by his life, by his actions, by his conduct. Money cannot buy character; money cannot buy spiritual growth; money cannot promote spiritual stature. Those, every individual must attain for himself by his own exertions, and growth is not dependent upon whether you are born in a humble home or in a castle. The exercise of the spirit is for all men. There are many surprises when death comes and the earthly trappings fall away and the soul reveals itself, and knows itself, for what it is, and not for what it has pre-tended to be.

 "I do not mean that those who possess wealth are the spiritual inferiors of all those who are materially poor. No! I mean that money has nothing whatever to do with spiritual growth, that your evolution is determined by your life and by nothing else. Unfortunately, you who live in a world of matter, con-fronted with so many material problems, too often get a faulty perspective. But always hold on to the spiritual truths, for these will endure, and the riches of the spirit, once you have obtained them, can never be taken away from you. These are eternal possessions.

 "I look forward to the time when the power of the spirit will pour into your world through millions of channels, not as it does now, through a few and in sporadic bursts, but when it is all part of a normal process of life; when the barriers between the two states of life have been broken down; when the gifts of the spirit, which all possess, are naturally trained in schools; and when the recognition of the nearness and oneness of all parts of life is clearly understood. I look forward to the time when your world knows that it is part of a vast universe, and those who live in it have their eyes opened so that they can see around and about them the denizens of the larger life who are their constant companions. What a kingdom of heaven that will be!"

 "What," asked an inquirer, "is the best way of introducing the teachings of Spiritualism to strangers?"

 "That is a very hard question," commented the guide, and Hannen Swaffer said, "It all depends who it is."  

 This was Silver Birch's answer: "You must recognise that each comes with a differing need; each is at a different level of spiritual growth. Some require, very necessarily, the sound of the voice that has been stilled, the touch of the hand that has vanished, the demonstration that love continues. The one they love is all they are interested in, and quite rightly so. Others are not concerned with the personal element; they see a scientific approach, others a religious problem, others a philosophical problem, and others are not ready. There is an answer for each one.

 "All that we can say is just this; here is that which is true; life goes on beyond the grave and you, the individual spirit, will persist. Come and try for yourself, by any reasonable test, that what we say is true. In the end that will bring convictioto all reasonable men and women. With the unreasonable you can do nothing."

 "Is today's teaching from the spirit world comparable with the teachings of the Nazarene?" the guide was asked.

 Silver Birch answered: “I find it very hard to understand why they still believe words in ancient books, the truth of which they cannot establish, or words that flow from the lips of men, dressed in some different garb from their own, and ascribe to them authority, even though there is not one whit of evidence to show what they are saying is part of an eternal verity. And yet, when the ones they loveーdesh of their flesh and spirit of their spiritーcome to them still full of life, they are rejected because their return does not conform to some pattern of the past."

 One of the sitters commented: "'In some cases it is too personal. It is too close, and people don't want to change their lives. They know that if they did believe it they would have to change. I am not criticising, but they have not the moral courage to acknowledge the complications."

 "Then,” said the guide, “they are hurting themselves and the ones they love. There are some who would prefer to mourn rather than to know. All knowledge is the gift of the Great Spirit. Those who spurn knowledge harm themselves. If light is offered you and you say, 'I am content with darkness,' yours is the responsibility.”

 Again a sitter commented, "That is why you say that we have got to be ready for it."

 Yes,” said Silver Birch. “I always see my mission as two-fold. One is purely destructive and the other constructive. First, to destroy all those weeds which have choked the human soul for too long; the weeds of falsity encouraged by the churches; all the nonsensical, revolting and sometimes blas-phemous doctrines offered in the name of religion. All these must be extirpated, for they prevent life being lived as it should. That is the destructive part.

 "The constructive part is to offer knowledge, showing how reasonable, how simple, how beautiful and how true it is to all who are ready to receive it. The two tasks go hand in hand, and I am unconcerned with those who dislike any criticism of venerable falsehood. I have seen too many of the results in your world and in mine.

 "It is not easy to work in your world, but that is where our labours are so necessary. Hold on always to the truths that bring you freedom of spirit and liberty of soul. Rejoice that your minds have been enfranchised and no longer do you live warped, thwarted and distorted lives. There are too many souls that are cramped, only because they do not allow them-selves the fullness of expression which could be theirs.

 "Here we are offering them keys that unlock the prison of ignorance, so that they can step out of its gloom into the light, the sunlight of spiritual truth. Liberty is always preferable to slavery; slavery is wrong and liberty is right. All who en-courage slavery are obviously wrong; those who fight for liberty are obviously right."

 A member of the circle made a comment which drew this reply: "Every soul has to find reality at some time. The task can be delayed, but it cannot be averted for ever."

 "In other words," said the commentator, "everybody, even the most lowly, has got to become spiritually developed."

 "Yes,"answered Silver Birch," through æons of time; through æons of time. We are concerned with the reality of life, trying to teach your world that it cannot find peace or real happiness in shadows. Shadows exist because they are cast by the light, and the light is spiritual reality. We desire always to draw attention to the vast potentialities of an infinite spirit, not only ruling throughout the universe, but in fragment, resident in every individual.

 "It is within that you will find all that vast treasury where true riches are stored. It is within that you will find the strength to help you in times when you need it and when all the resources of matter fail; when all earthly friends have fled; when you seem to be alone, uncared for and neglected. Even then, you can know that the warmth, the companionship and the love of beings from another world are still with you."

 Responding to a question, Silver Birch reminded us: "You have to go on with your great fights. Do not be afraid of having controversy or strife in which these principles are involved. In the end you will succeed in making this knowledge accepted by the majority of mankind, not because you have submitted to what you know to be wrong, not because you have tem-porised, not because you have sought refuge in subterfuge, but because you have been determined to stand by the truth no matter what the cost may be.  

 "All those who are afraid of the consequences are weaklings. Character is not forged that way. Let those who are the instru-ments of the world of spirit be proud of persecution; let them welcome all the assaults from wherever they may come; and let them hold their heads proudly in the air so that all men may see by their bearing and their conduct that they are ready to be tried and tested to the end, but they will endure."

 And, because it was Spring, the guide, in reminding us that the season of eternal hope contained a lesson for everyone, said: “Now, finally, I want to say this is the time of fulfilment of rejoicing, for a new life is being born into your world. The season of resurrection is upon you. On all sides you will witness the handiwork of the divine creator as new beauty will pulse through your world in millions of different forms.

 "Now you are to behold the dawn of a new creation that comes regularly as part of the natural joy of life. It is accom-panied by reinvigoration, by strength and by the growing rays of the sun.

 "Fill yourself with this new life which spells hope, confidence, trust, founded on laws that can never fail, for always there is the demonstration given to you that life continues, no matter how long it has slept and that the power which fashioned life is eternal and that power is resident within each one of you.

 "There is no cause, then, for fear or pessimism, for weariness or hopelessness. Rest yourself on that knowledge founded upon the certainty of unfailing natural law, and may the Great Spirit bless you all."

                        THE END