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2021.02.25 05:38

My Story and How God's Grace Saved Me. Brenda Jackson

My Story and How God's Grace Saved Me

ISBN: 9781640885332 | 36 pages | 1 Mb
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Electronics components books free download My Story and How God's Grace Saved Me in English 9781640885332


Are you overwhelmed with feelings of defeat, struggles, daily oppositions, downfalls, and loneliness? Have daily trials left you feeling powerless, wanting to quit, or just altogether give up on life? These daily obstacles arise causing one to question, ‘God, what do I do now? Where do I go next?” or even pondering, “Are you there, Lord?” We must recognize that God’s call for our life and destiny is the only true way to overcome obstacles and achieve everlasting peace and success in life. In My life Story and How God’s Grace Saved Me, it reveals the reality of God’s guidance and truth being the final authority in order to find lasting peace and destiny within oneself.

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