ZIPANG TOKIO 2020「日本の心を世界に伝えるー文化庁文化交流使フォーラム2016秋 開催のご案内」
平成28年11月21日(月)に国連大学 ウ・タント国際会議場にて、「文化庁文化交流使フォーラム2016秋」を開催します!
◆日 時:
◆場 所:
国連大学 ウ・タント国際会議場(東京都渋谷区神宮前5-53-70)
畠山 直哉 (写真家)
藤田 六郎兵衛 (能楽笛方 藤田流十一世宗家)
矢内原 美邦 (振付家、劇作家、近畿大学文芸学部芸術学科舞台芸術専攻准教授)
吉田 健一 (「吉田兄弟」、津軽三味線奏者)
“Japan Cultural Envoy Forum 2016 Autumn” on November 21
This year’s “Japan Cultural Envoy Forum” is going to be held in U Thant International Hall (3rd Floor), United Nations University on Monday, November 21.
In this forum, four envoys who finished their terms either in FY2015 will give a talk about their experiences as a Japan Cultural Envoy, with using visual materials or giving a short performance of their own skills. You will learn what “Japan Cultural Envoy” is all about and how each of them faced the challenge of cultural exchange abroad through this forum.
- Date and Time:
Monday, November 21, 2016 at 2 PM (Doors open at 1:30 PM)
- Venue:
U Thant International Hall (3rd Floor), United Nations University (5-53-70 Jingumae, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo)
- Presenter:
Naoya Hatakeyama (Photographer), Rokurobyoue Fujita (Noh Flute Player / 11th Generation Master, Fujita School of Noh Flite), Mikuni Yanaihara (Choreographer, Director, Player Writer / Associate Professor of Performing Arts Course, Kindai University), Kenichi Yoshida (“Yoshida Brothers”, Tsugaru Shamisen Player)
- Moderator
Tomoe Shinohara (TV Personality, Artist, Designer)
Click for a seat reservation---
代表:03-5253-4111 FAX:03-6734-3813
※写真は、「山形県鶴岡市 出羽三山・羽黒山」と「文化庁文化交流使」