Ameba Ownd


Satoshi Hashizume / University of Tsukuba

Cross-Field Haptics

2016.06.30 03:00

Cross-Field Haptics

Abstract :

The representation of texture is a major concern during fabrication and manufacture in many industries. Although it is easy to change the texture of objects in the digital world (i.e. just setting texture parameters), it is difficult to achieve this in the real world. Tactile feedback allows displaying texture and affordance. In conventional research, a single physical quantity is used to render haptic textures. In contrast, Our proposed system physically deforms and changes the physical force between the finger and the device. To achieve this, we combine magnetic and electrostatic fields.We use ferrofluid which is flexible liquid from the magnetic field, and electrovibration with adsorption force from the electrostatic field to develop this device.

Satoshi Hashizume, Kazuki Takazawa, Amy Koike, Yoichi Ochiai

University of Tsukuba




S. Hashizume, K. Takazawa, A. Koike and Y. Ochiai, "Cross-field haptics: Multiple direction haptics combined with magnetic and electrostatic fields," 2017 IEEE World Haptics Conference (WHC), Munich, 2017, pp. 370-375. doi:

Satoshi Hashizume, Kazuki Takazawa, Amy Koike, and Yoichi Ochiai. 2016. Cross-field haptics: tactile device combined with magnetic and electrostatic fields for push-pull haptics. In SIGGRAPH ASIA 2016 Emerging Technologies (SA ’16). ACM, New York, NY, USA, , Article 13 , 2 pages. DOI:

Satoshi Hashizume, Kazuki Takazawa, Amy Koike, and Yoichi Ochiai. 2016. Cross-field haptics: push-pull haptics combined with magnetic and electrostatic fields. In ACM SIGGRAPH 2016 Posters(SIGGRAPH ’16). ACM, New York, NY, USA, , Article 30 , 2 pages. DOI:

Cross-Field Haptics, 橋爪智, 高澤和希, 小池栄美, 落合陽一, 第20回文化庁メディア芸術祭エンターテイメント部門審査委員会推薦作品

Cross-Field Haptics, 橋爪智, HAPTIC DESIGN AWARD佳作

Cross-Field Haptics, 橋爪智, WIRED CREATIVE HACK AWARD 2016 semi-finalist.

Cross-Field Haptics:多重場による触覚提示, 筑波大学デジタルネイチャー研究室, 橋爪智, Innovative Technologies 2016

Cross-Field Haptics: Push-Pull Haptics Combined with Magnetic and Electrostatic Fields, Satoshi Hashizume, SIGGRAPH 2016 ACM Student Research Competition second-place winner in the undergraduate categories.