Omu-rice (オムライス)

2016.10.22 22:57

Omu-rice is short form of "omelette rice". It is one of the representative westernized-Japanese cuisine. Chicken rice is covered with omelette. It is served with ketchup or tomato sauce or demi-glace sauce. 


材料(ざいりょう) / Ingredients

・卵(たまご) / Egg

・鶏肉 (とりにく) / Chicken meat 

・玉ねぎ(たまねぎ) / Onion

・ケチャップ / Ketchup

・ご飯(ごはん) / Rice

・バター / butter

1. Finely chopped onion is fried with small amount of butter until the color is turned to light brown. Small-diced chicken meat is added to the fried onion and grilled well. And then, cooked rice is mixed well with the well-fried onion and chicken meat. Flavor with ketchup.

2. Make thin fried egg in another pan. Just before the egg coagulate, add 1. on the pan at far side from the handle part. Cover the flavored rice with fried egg by using spatula.