Ameba Ownd


We will hold a Polaroid camera shooting and gift campaign

2021.03.09 01:15

Hello everybody 😃✨

Because the Chiki event held in December last year was well received,

A Cheki event will be held from March 9th to 21st ✨

Also, as I mentioned in my previous blog,

as this event will be held in commeration of our 1st anniversary, 

so along with Cheki, a Tyrolean chocolate with itoaware logo

will be given as a gift to each person who purchases a ring✨🎁

Do you know Cheki?

A Polaroid camera that develops photos on the spot.

Unlike mobile phones and digital cameras, it cannot be retaken.

The moment taken with that one push of the shutter is packed in the developed photo ^ ^

///////// The outline is as follows ✨ /////////

Period: From March 9th (Tuesday) to March 21st (Sunday)

Target: Everyone who purchases a ring

One shutter per person 📸

If you are willing to let us display it in the store, we will shoot one for the store ★

We would be happy if you would please write a short message on the photo ✒✨

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The staff will let you know when we shoot, so

please try various poses! !!

It ’s also possible that you may to move too much and shake or close your eyes.

It's fun to wait and see how it develops ❤

I'm excited to see what kind of photos will come out!

In addition, our original Tyrolean chocolate present will end as soon as it runs out

regardless of the period ...

Everyone, please come to the itoaware Osaka store 😊

Also, if you would like to participate in the ring-making experience, please make a reservation as soon as possible 📖

We look forward to welcoming you all ✨