パートナー紹介3:グレゴア・アイゼンフート/Introducing our partners; Gregor Eisenhuth
その情熱は海をも超え、2008年にはMLB公式戦の撮影を行ったことも。今やミネソタ・ツインズの正右翼主としての座を手にした、マックス・ケプラー=ロシツキー外野手のドイツ時代を収めたギャラリーも彼のウェブサイトには存在する。Basbalo Europe 2016には計4枚の画像を提供。その中には、実際にMLBの舞台にも足を踏み入れた2人のヨーロッパ人選手を捉えたものも含まれている。その顔ぶれが誰であるかは是非購入して確かめてみてほしい。
3.Gregor Eisenhuth
Gregor was born and currently residing in Solingen, where's well known as "city of knives" and the franchise of Bundesliga powerhouse Solingen Alligators. He is handling the photo shooting at the games played by German national baseball team, and he has been taking photos at the European championships continuously. Besides baseball, he shoots photos at various kind of sports like handball, association football and basketball. Other than sports, he is well known for taking photos of concerts and railways.
His main job is to shoot photos at the Bundesliga games regardless of the matchups. The amount of his photos shot during this past 8 years can easily count 13000+, even if we limit the numbers to the ones listed in his gallery. He was on his business at the WBCQ German round 2012, when team Germany competed in Regensburg, shooting phots at all 6 games played during the tournament.
Gregor's passion sometimes fly beyond the Atlantics. In 2008, he shot photos twice at the MLB games. His gallery also contains the part which features Max Kepler; it shows his younger days back in Germany, far before he earned the regular RF spot at Minnesota Twins. Four photos were provided from his own gallery, and it includes some pictures which shows two European players who has stepped into the show.