[Conference] SCEJ 86th Annual Meeting/IChES 2021
2021.03.21 02:09
荻先生がIChES 2021にて招待講演を行いました。
Prof. Ogi had a requested talk in Recent Progress in Energy Conversion and Storage - Nanomaterials Synthesis of IChES 2021 on March 21. (web)
K-3 Recent Progress in Energy Conversion and Storage - Nanomaterials Synthesis - 2021.03.21 09:00 - 12:00 C
[Requested talk] Synthesis of porous, hollow, core-shell structured carbon particles and their electrode applications
(Hiroshima U.) *(Reg·APCE)Ogi Takashi, Cao Kiet Le Anh
中倉 修平, 荻 崇: 固体供給型噴霧熱分解法によるセシウムタングステンブロンズ微粒子の合成, 化学工学会第86年会(poster)(2021/3/22,オンライン開催)