Ameba Ownd


美鳥’s Midorish


2021.03.27 08:49

アメリカのKatrina Thiebaut CZTのZen Kin ®︎Cousin プロジェクト、



Katrina Thiebaut CZT from The USA holds Zen Kin®︎ Cousins project now. 

I sent 33 cousins to the USA. 29 Japanese tanglers leaved their Cousins to me. 



I appreciate that so many tanglers sent their precious Cousins to me.

I had a zoom tangling party named "  Thanks Zen Kin®︎ Cousin Project " to show my gratitude.



So sorry that some participator could not join because they had things to do, but I could draw with many tanglers.


I show how to draw here, if you feel it's nice, please enjoy drawing. 

It will be a heartwarming time to think about someone you love who stays in the heaven already.

ステキなプロジェクトを考えてくださった敬意を表して、Katrina さんのイニシャルKをストリングに、ドローウィングスで羽を。

I used  Katrina's initial K as a string, to show my appreciation to this project.

Add wings with tangle "drawings"


One purpose of her project is " Making a big foster family with drawing Cousins "

I got an  inspiration from the word " family ",I would like to think about family member who went to the heaven.



So, please draw a face with remembering your family who stays in the heaven.

Add a cloth look like a dress or a cape, draw grid into a cloth and border.


I prepared a fragment legend chart. In the party, I asked the participators their birth day.

And if someone has the same birthday with some other, she had to choose number from 32 to 62 , and the number must be concerned with her in some reason. For instance, her age, her address or something.


We could have nice drawing time with thinking about deceased and thinking about the gratitude to be together now.


Reticula and Fragments is one of nice drawing way of Zentangle®︎ 。In many case, we draw same fragments in a reticula.

昨年CZTAEでDeb Bowyer CZZtがFan Fragments というクラスで、一つ一つ違うフラグメンツをレティキュラに描くという提案をされました。

Deb Bowyer CZT had a nice class "Fan Fragments"  in CZTAE 2020. In that class, she suggested drawing various fragments into a reticula.


When I drew this, I noticed that I was fixed with an idea that " always draw the same fragments in the reticula."  But, look at this! Drawing various fragments in a big reticula is so gorgeous.

今回のフラグメンツレジェンドは、ここからインスパイアされました。Deb ありがとうございました。そして、カトリーナさんと、ご参加くださったみなさん、ありがとうございました。

I was inspired by this class and got an idea of Fragments Legend.

Thank you very much, Deb Bowyer CZT, and again, thank you so much Katrina Thiebaut CZT and participators.