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2021.03.27 16:12

The Sin Soldiers. Tracy Auerbach

The Sin Soldiers

ISBN: 9781987055184 | 350 pages | 9 Mb
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Free download of textbooks in pdf format The Sin Soldiers PDF FB2 DJVU in English by Tracy Auerbach

Red compound makes them angry. Yellow exhausts them. Blue drives them into a state of ravenous addiction. The thief Kai knows about the chemically controlled soldiers of the Eastern forces and their savage, deadly nature. When a robbery attempt at Club Seven goes wrong, Kai is captured by a handler and his bestial soldier-boy. She wakes up inside the military base with no idea what happened to her twin brother, Dex. Things go from bad to worse when Kai is started on a drug and training regimen, and forced to take injections of blue compound. The scientists in charge plan to make her into a working soldier who will mine the mysterious power crystals beneath the desert. Kai becomes a victim of the bully Finn, a handsome but nasty soldier whose years on red compound seem to have erased his humanity. Still, she begins to pity the Seven Soldiers, including the monstrous boy who tried to rip her to shreds at the club. They appear to be nothing more than genetically enhanced, drug-controlled teenagers. On the outside, Dex and his tech-savvy boyfriend try to crack the soldiers' chemical code to find a weakness that will break the system. But Kai has already been drawn deep into her new world. Strong feelings for the soldiers she's come to know have started to cloud her judgment. Can she escape and find Dex without becoming a monster herself?

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We are the soldiers under God's command. We hold His two-edged sword within our hands. We're not ashamed to stand up for what's right. We win without sin,  1,800 Soldiers Have Professed Faith in Christ at Missouri Army Base
Over 1800 soldiers have made professions of faith in the last six "May God bring the same powerful conviction of sin and love for Him that we  The Sin Soldiers (Fragments #1) – Tracy's Written Life
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Every Christian is called to be a soldier in the army of God. The righteous anger of God against sin has been satisfied by the sacrifice of  The Sin Soldiers…cover – Tracy's Written Life
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