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2021.04.01 11:44

Project Stargate and Remote Viewing Technology: The CIA's Files on Psychic Spying. Axel Balthazar

Project Stargate and Remote Viewing Technology: The CIA's Files on Psychic Spying

ISBN: 9781939149985 | 300 pages | 8 Mb
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Download Project Stargate and Remote Viewing Technology: The CIA's Files on Psychic Spying

Ebooks in txt format free download Project Stargate and Remote Viewing Technology: The CIA's Files on Psychic Spying (English literature) by Axel Balthazar DJVU PDF ePub

Project Stargate and Remote Viewing Technology: The CIA's Files on Psychic Spying by Axel Balthazar In the 1970s, the CIA was concerned about rumors of Soviet research into psychotronics and remote viewing. Naturally, it wasn't long before the U.S. launched its own covert investigations into psychic phenomena and their potential use for military and intelligence purposes. This began a thirty-year series of classified projects, collectively known as the Stargate Project. In this book, Axel Balthazar has compiled the government’s formerly classified documents pertaining to the project. Topics include: Remote viewing, psychic spying, The First Earth Battalion (as depicted in the movie Men Who Stare at Goats starring George Clooney), psi phenomena, extrasensory perception, psychokinesis, and much more. Tons of documents exposed. Axel Balthazar is at it again!

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Is the US Army looking to recruit Psychics? You might Project Stargate andRemote Viewing Technology: The CIA's Files on Psychic Spying,  Stargate - International Remote Viewing Association
FROM HISTORIC PAST TO HIGH-TECH HORIZONS -. SPIES AND MOLES, MASINT AND BIOMETRICS,. AND STARGATE REMOTE VIEWING. reports were declassified and released by the CIA, the claimed leaks of “psychic spy" programs with such. Abstract. .. Final Report on NASA Project NAS7-100 ( August 1974). Our Books | Adventures Unlimited Press Bookstore: Books on
PROJECT STARGATE AND REMOTE VIEWING TECHNOLOGY: The CIA's Fileson Psychic Spying Edited by Axel Balthazar. 300 Pa Price: $22.00. Remote Viewing | remoteviewed
Posts about Remote Viewing written by remoteviewed. Technical project officers soon contacted Stephen I. Abrams, the Director of the .. One such file included debriefings of Pat Price about his CIA remote viewing projects. .. (25) Ibid. (26)The Stargate Chronicles: Memoirs of a Psychic Spy: Books: Joseph McMoneagle. OT's and the History of Remote Viewing - Scientolipedia
Technical project officers soon contacted Stephen I. Abrams, the "One suchfile included debriefings of Pat Price about his CIA remote viewing projects. .. ( 26)The Stargate Chronicles: Memoirs of a Psychic Spy: Books:  The CIA's Secret Plan to Crush Russia During the Cold War: Super
The CIA's Secret Plan to Crush Russia During the Cold War: Super Psychic Powers Stargate projects explored the possibility of using psychic powers as battlefield tools. The CIA also studied “remote viewing,” or the ability topsychically Given how military technology always diffuses, if America or the 

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