Ameba Ownd

アプリで簡単、無料ホームページ作成 棟朝淳州


2021.04.03 19:21

ペソ高で日本食が安くなるのは結構だが、フィリピンの他の生活物資は高騰している。フィリピンで日本人年金生活者もフィリピンのだらし無さで迷惑を被っている。貿易赤字の増大、デフォルトしたベネゼイラにはまだ石油と言う売るものがあるが、フィリピンには人しか売るものは無いし、現状では価値が無い。旋回も言ったが、何百も建ち並ぶビルは、現実的にゴミでしか無い。しかし、アメリカ日本はフィリピンがここでデフォルトを起こして、中国共産党の支配下に成るのは困ったものだ。中国もそれを解って、図々しくフィリピン沿岸にまた拠点を作り始めた。奴ら中国は人の弱みに対する慈悲の心が無い悪魔で有る。余りに弱いフィリピンにも助け甲斐が無いのも事実だ。このフィリピン経済を支える金持ちは、もう1年自宅に引き篭もる臆病者だ。フィリピンはある意味戦場であるが、指揮官がリスクを取らず、ママの元で引き篭もって居るのだから、始末が悪い。先日亡くなったSM BDOの創始者の孫娘もリスクを恐れて、もっと大きなリスクで亡くなった様なものだ。今週もまたECQ、臆病者が目の前のリスクを怖がって、最も大きなリスクで、実は死んでいる様なものだ。


Manila man's home cooking. Japan and the United States are helping the Philippines with unreasonable high peso guidance, but can the Philippine default be avoided?

It's fine that Japanese food is cheaper due to the high peso, but other daily necessities in the Philippines are soaring. Japanese pensioners in the Philippines are also suffering from the sloppyness of the Philippines. Increasing trade deficit, defaulted Venezuela still has something to sell called oil, but in the Philippines there is only people to sell and it is not worth it at the moment. As I said, turning, the hundreds of buildings are really just garbage. However, in the United States and Japan, it is troublesome for the Philippines to set a default here and come under the control of the Chinese Communist Party. China also understood that and began to establish a base again on the coast of the Philippines. They China are demons who have no mercy on human weaknesses. It is also true that the Philippines, which is too weak, is not worth the help. The rich man who supports the Filipino economy is a coward who stays at home for another year. The Philippines is a battlefield in a sense, but it's awkward because the commander doesn't take risks and keeps him with his mom. It seems that the granddaughter of the founder of SM BDO, who died the other day, also died at a greater risk for fear of risk. Again this week, ECQ, cowards are afraid of the risks in front of them, the biggest risk, and it's like they're actually dead.

Well, it can't be helped to say something like Shakespeare. Let's do our best to cook homemade food for good health.