Ameba Ownd


カロリーか価格か|Calories or Price?|2021/04/06

2021.04.05 22:57


I've been using a diet app since the other day. I found I ate too much without thinking calories and I suddenly started to worry about it. I started to choose after looking at the calorie display on the back of the package. Even today, I'm disturbing other customers while turning over one by one at the 7-Eleven sandwich corner. I found a sandwich with the indication of chicken salad 184kcal. Even though we have 16.2g of protein, the calories are less than 200kcal! I am impressed that it is a 7-Eleven, the price is 345 yen, which is a little higher than a regular sandwich. Hmmm, the price of less calories is higher. It costs money to lose weight. -Text and illustration by Ted Sakaki