Ameba Ownd

アプリで簡単、無料ホームページ作成 棟朝淳州

It's been a long time, but the difference in safety is widening. 月日は経つが、安全性の差はひらく一方だ。

2021.04.07 20:11

月日は経つが、安全性の差はひらく一方だ。 35%以上の安全性の違いは大きい。同じ値段で命の保証が35%違う事は、見た目には変えられない。故にトヨタヤリスは5年ぶりに2020年のベスト販売車にホンダのNBOXを抜いて日本で首位に立った。ヒュンダイ、キアは日本市場から撤退しているので日本での販売はゼロで有る。中古に成っても35%の差は大きい。

It's been a long time, but the difference in safety is only widening. There is a big difference in safety of 35% or more. The fact that the guarantee of life is different by 35% at the same price cannot be changed visually. Therefore, Toyota Yaris overtook Honda's N BOX as the best-selling car in 2020 for the first time in five years and took the lead in Japan. Since Hyundai and Kia have withdrawn from the Japanese market, sales in Japan are zero. Even if it becomes second-hand, the difference of 35% is large.