Ameba Ownd


WHARF workshop 2025

Workshop Programme

2021.04.07 05:52

Workshop Programme and Facilitators

Physical Expression

Keiko Takeya (Dancer, Wakabacho Wharf Artistic Associate)

Makoto Matsushima (Performer)

Workshop 1

“Physical Performance” Macoto Satoh(Director, Wakabacho Wharf)

Workshop 2

“Theatrical Presentation and Video” Naoto Iina(Director, Video artist)

Workshop 3

“Traditional Expression and the Contemporary” Kanji Shimizu(Kanze Noh actor of Tessenkai)

“The Expressions of Noh” Hikaru Uzawa(Kanze Noh actor of Tessenkai)


“Contemporary Performing Arts” Hiroyuki Takahashi (Theatre Critic/ Lecturer at Toho-Gakuen College)

*Also planned…Attendingtheatre work presented during the period (Theatre, dance, traditional art), Tours of Theatre Facilities within Kanagawa and Tokyo prefectures, Communication Programs with the local community etc.