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How I Broke Up with My Colon: Fascinating, Bizarre, and True Health Stories. Nick Seluk, The Awkward Yeti
ISBN: 9781524854058 | 192 pages | 5 Mb
- How I Broke Up with My Colon: Fascinating, Bizarre, and True Health Stories
- Nick Seluk, The Awkward Yeti
- Page: 192
- Format: pdf, ePub, fb2, mobi
- ISBN: 9781524854058
- Publisher: Andrews McMeel Publishing
Free downloadable ebooks online How I Broke Up with My Colon: Fascinating, Bizarre, and True Health Stories by Nick Seluk, The Awkward Yeti
Fascinating, bizarre, and educational true-life medical stories retold in cartoon form by the creator of the bestselling Heart and Brain book series. Mysterious illnesses. Freakish injuries. X-rays revealing something weird that got stuck in your foot. These strange but true stories are among the 24 medical tales retold in hilarious fashion by New York Times bestselling author/illustrator Nick Seluk. Featuring fascinating stories submitted by people all over the world, How I Broke Up with My Colon is an educational and highly entertaining tour through the bizarre workings of the human body.
How I Broke Up with My Colon: Fascinating, Bizarre, and True
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How I Broke Up with My Colon, Nick Seluk The Awkward Yeti
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How I broke up with my colon : fascinating, bizarre, and true health
How I broke up with my colon : fascinating, bizarre, and true health stories / Nick Seluk, The Awkward Yeti. Seluk, Nick, (author,, artist.). Image of item. Book.
The Awkward Yeti Presents: How I Broke Up with My Colon
The Awkward Yeti Presents: How I Broke Up with My Colon: Fascinating, Bizarre, and True Health Stories by Nick Seluk | Goodreads. Saved by Goodreads.
How I Broke Up with My Colon: Fascinating, Bizarre, and True
How I Broke Up with My Colon: Fascinating, Bizarre, and True Health Stories by Nick Seluk. Andrews McMeel, 2020. 9781524854058 Format:
How I Broke Up with My Colon: Fascinating, Bizarre, and True
How I Broke Up with My Colon: Fascinating, Bizarre, and True Health Fascinating, bizarre, and educational true-life medical stories retold in
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How I Broke Up with My Colon: Fascinating, Bizarre, and True
Featuring fascinating stories submitted by people all over the world, How I Broke Up with My Colon is an educational and highly entertaining tour through the bizarre workings of the human body.
How I Broke Up with My Colon: Fascinating, Bizarre, and True
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The Awkward Yeti Presents: How I Broke Up with My Colon
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How I broke up with my colon : fascinating, bizarre, and true
These strange but true stories are among the 24 medical tales retold in hilarious fashion by New York Times bestselling author/illustrator Nick
How I Broke Up with My Colon: Fascinating, Bizarre, and True
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