Go and Dive in Wild Nature-淡路島へいこう
There is an English translation as below, thank you very much
バスでまわろうとしたけど、本数が少なく、走って観光しようとしたけど、道がわからない、ということで、Awaji "Kuruma"baseの長岡さんに、ガイド件、山と海の道先案内人を
もともと淡路島の住民は車生活です。長岡さんは、これだけ素晴らしい山が海があるのに、自分で歩いたり、走ったりする人が少なくてもったいないなーを仰ってます。自分で体験してみて、人間は便利さを追求しすぎると、心身ともに健康である意識を忘却してしまう。それでいいのかなーと疑問に思った旅でした。コロナで感染拡大をふせぐために、人々が外にでなくなり、Stay homeが叫ばれる中、私たち人間はどんどん免疫力をおとしています。
Before the state of emergency declaration occurred, I went to Awaji Island to explore its wild nature. It was really fantastic and wonderful experience to internalize how we, our human being, are kept alive by its primitive natural environment. At that time, the existence of human being is so small that we have to be humble towards it, but we sometimes tend be arrogant and so mean.
I love travel so much, because it brings me a new horizon to stimulate my curiosity and expand my own vision. I have never been to Awaji island until I will be 53 years old this month. I checked the number of buses, but it looks not convenient and I tried to run all places that I want around the island, but the road is a bit complicated. I am afraid I would get lost.
Coincidentally, I found a personal guide as well as a professional trail and sea shore runner to organize my tour. I think I was a quite lucky to find him. Thanks to his support and help, I had a very good time there.
I was able to visit and feel what Awaji island was and besides I was convinced the how nature gives us opportunity to recharge ourselves and encourages to live positively.
The guide explained to me that life in Awaji is based on a car. people rarely walk and run despite of having the great value of wild nature. Through my travel experience in Awaji island, we tend to oblivious of the importance of its nature if we keep on pursing our convenient life. The convenience might grab the chance to be aware of well being. Due to the corona virus outbreak, we have to stay at home to protect from the virus, but we are naturally reducing the level of immunity. t looks very sad situation, but I want tired and workaholic Japanese to bathe beautiful sunshine, feel the air from the mountain and cuddle from comfortable breeze from a sea shore. its not a difficult matter, it would be more happy life if you could change the window of looking your life.