Ameba Ownd


美鳥’s Midorish

Birds on black tile Zia class

2021.05.07 05:13




お道具は 黒ゼンダラ、ジェリーロール白08と10、ジェリーロールメタリックゴールド、ピグマ01黒、鉛筆&さっ筆、ホワイトチャコール&さっ筆、パステルチャコール(青、茶、ピンクなどお好きなものを)&さっ筆、色鉛筆、

Let's enjoy drawing on black zendala. A mysterious atmosphere like in a dream.

zoom online class on May 23rd 10:00 Japan time. I will prepare a recorded class too. you will be able to watch it till June 23rd.

I will tell you pre learning movie link. And you will be able to watch the bonus movie after the class. You will be able to draw a black square tile with this bonus movie.

You will be able to draw 2tiles( a zendala and a square tile) in one purchase.

Materials: black zendala, white gellyroll 08 &10, gellyroll metallic gold, pigma 01 black, pencil, white chacoal, pastel chalk ( any color you want yo use) , tortillons, colorpencils


I did a live session on Facebook.


Let's enjoy drawing !