Descargas de libros electrónicos gratuitos de Rapidshare BIOMECHANICS (2ND ED.)
Ficha técnica
- Y. C. FUNG
- Idioma: INGLÉS
- Formatos: Pdf, ePub, MOBI, FB2
- ISBN: 9781441931047
- Año de edición: 2010
Descargas de libros electrónicos gratuitos de Rapidshare BIOMECHANICS (2ND ED.)
The objective of this book remains the same as that stated in the first edition: to present a comprehensive perspective of biomechanics from the stand point of bioengineering, physiology, and medical science, and to develop mechanics through a sequence of problems and examples.
My three-volume set of Bio mechanics has been completed. They are entitled: Biomechanics: Mechanical Properties of Living Tissues; Biodynamics: Circulation; and Biomechanics: Motion, Flow, Stress, and Growth; and this is the first volume. The mechanics prerequisite for all three volumes remains at the level of my book A First Course in Continuum Mechanics (3rd edition, Prentice-Hall, Inc. , 1993).
In the decade of the 1980s the field of Biomechanics expanded tremen dously. New advances have been made in all fronts. Those that affect the basic understanding of the mechanical properties of living tissues are described in detail in this revision. The references are brought up to date.
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