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2021.05.22 05:38

A Guide to the Star Wars Universe. Bill Slavicsek

A Guide to the Star Wars Universe

ISBN: 9780345420664 | 624 pages | 16 Mb
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Google book downloader for iphone A Guide to the Star Wars Universe

How did Exar Kun nearly destroy Luke Skywalker's Jedi academy? When did Han Solo first meet Chewbacca and Lando Calrissian? Where was Mara Jade when the Emperor died? What are the secrets of the terrible super weapons--the Death Stars, the Sun Crusher, and the World Devastators? What are the Qom Qae? How powerful is the Black Sun criminal organization? Looking for facts about the characters, starships, weaponry, droids, alien species, and historic battles in the most amazing adventure of them all? From airspeeders to N-1 starfighters, Coruscant to Tatooine, Nom Anor to Leia Organa--you'll find the whole universe of Star Wars covered here: ...

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Flipping through the browning books on my bookshelf, I found this long buried guide to that galaxy far far away, reminding me of my long lost Raptor's Nest: My first impressions of Star Wars Episode II: Attack of
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A Guide to the Star Wars Universe is a series of reference books: A Guide to the Star Wars Invid's Guide to the Star Wars Universe: Alien Species (#71)
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A Guide to the Star Wars Universe. 54 likes · 0 talking about this.

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