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非核平和祈念塔 | Non-nuclear Peace Prayer Tower

2021.05.22 15:00

東京都葛飾区青戸4丁目23-1 青戸平和公園

Aoto 4-23-1 Aoto Peace Park, Katsushika-ku, Tokyo


"Non-nuclear Peace Prayer Tower" stands surrounded by a fountain pond in the center of the park which has a female statue (2.4 m in height) holding a dove, an apostle of permanent peace, placed on a granite shaped the atomic bomb's mushroom cloud. The height of the tower is 7.4m. Katsushika City decided to built the tower because Katsushika City has declared "Non-nuclear Peace Area" in November 19, 1983. The tower was completed in 1988. At that timing, the name of the park has also been changed from "Aoto Park" to "Aoto Peace Park". There are two objects in front of the tower. "Brick of Miyuki Bridge" is brick of the bridge which was about 2.2km south-southeast of the blast center of Hiroshima City. "Burnt gate pillar brick" is the pillar brick which was the gate pillar of a private house about 190m south of the blast center in Nagasaki City. Also, there is the "Senbazuru stand" for dedicating the senbazuru (thousand paper cranes) sent to Katsushika City.


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