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Free e books downloads pdf The Little Book of

2021.05.24 06:40

The Little Book of Light Codes: Healing Symbols for Life Transformation by Laara

Free e books downloads pdf The Little Book of Light Codes: Healing Symbols for Life Transformation DJVU PDF by Laara (English Edition)

Download The Little Book of Light Codes: Healing Symbols for Life Transformation PDF

Download The Little Book of Light Codes: Healing Symbols for Life Transformation

Free e books downloads pdf The Little Book of Light Codes: Healing Symbols for Life Transformation DJVU PDF by Laara (English Edition)

The Little Book of Light Codes contains a series of 52 symbols which are channeled, healing Codes of Light from the Universe, designed to help human beings along on our unique and individual paths. Through the visual assistance of the symbols, your journey to peace and happiness is brought forth in a unique way. These symbols have been developed and given to us at this time to assist in releasing our pain and suffering, while bringing more Love, abundance, and harmony into our Hearts and lives. The symbols in The Little Book of Light Codes offer access to gentle and powerful energies which can inspire healings on all levels of the mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual planes. These channeled symbols are designed to repair DNA, and to offer personal upgrades and activations to the reader as is appropriate for them. The reader is invited to work their way through the book, and open to all the potential healings and wisdoms provided by the Light Codes. Simple exercises and meditations are included, to assist you in utilizing the symbols most effectively while you step further into your Love and Light. Each symbol will resonate with a difficult issue in your life at any given moment. You may find yourself drawn to a particular symbol one day, and feel resistance to it the next, depending upon what energies, stressors, or triggers you are working with in your life. As you work with the messages, wisdom, and frequencies expressed by each symbol, your process with The Little Book of Light Codes will be as personalized and as healing as you choose. The energy frequency each symbol emits and the information each offers are infinite. Simply by looking at a symbol, you will gain the information your soul is seeking in order to perfect itself and reflect Divine Love. As you move through this book, you may experience release, change, and even total transformation in your physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual bodies. Just flow with it! Follow your inner guidance and intuition—and trust the unfolding.  The time has come to take back your personal power with the strength and Love you hold within your Heart. Humanity is at a crossroads: heal and ascend, or continue walking through darkness. The Little Book of Light Codes is here to help humanity find Light, find Love, and find the joy and freedom that is our birthright. Everyone has the ability to live the life they choose—but it is up to the individual to make the conscious choice to heal that which no longer serves them in creating the abundant life of their dreams. Everything is possible...and The Little Book of Light Codes can provide a method of re-discovering that which is already known but that has been temporarily forgotten. May these symbols remind you of the innate and infinite Love, Wisdom, and Light that you hold within yourself.

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