Ameba Ownd


APU Beppaper


2021.05.29 13:00




Long time no see~~ I’m Yukina. How are you?? Do you enjoy this QB? NICE~~!

(Now, I’m taking classes in Ritsumeikan University because of the domestic exchange program. So, I’m living with an unrelated QB… I miss QB... )





This time, we interviewed on campus for freshmen. We asked them, “How did you feel about APU life?” and “Please express your feeling about April in one word”

Thank you to everyone who cooperated.

For sophomore to senior , “senpai” students, Would like to remember your fresh feeling?

I hope you’ll have a good time ne~~



① 4月を振り返ってみてどうだった??

② 4月を一言で表すと?その理由は??

This is question for freshman

department / home town / name

① How did you feel about APU life?

② Please express your feeling about April in one word and why you choose this word?


①  サークルに応募をして最初の一週間新人研修とかあって課題との両立が大変だった。だけど、すごい授業とかでもいろんな人と喋れるし、寮が楽しくて。ハウスで楽しかったことは、みんなでご飯作ったり、展望台まで歩きに行ったりとかかな・・・

② 「期待」:これからの生活への期待を込めて。

・APS / Kanagawa/ Manaka Yamaguchi

① I applied a circle recruiting and I had new student’s training. So, It was difficult to balance club activities and homeworks. But, I really enjoy APU life, such as talking to new friends and AP house. My favorite memories of AP house are cooking with friends and walking to the observatory.

② Expectation:with expectation for the future.

↑山口愛花ちゃん / Manaka Yamaguchi


① 自分にとって新しいことが多くて。例えば、今まで勉強と部活だけだったのがAPUのイベントとかも多かったり、プログラムとかも結構あるんで、学業だけじゃなくてそれ以外のプログラムとかも充実して、それが自分にとって新しいことだなって。

② 「時が早い!」:時間が経つのがはやいってめっちゃ感じました。やること多いし、授業も毎日あると「あ、もう金曜日か」みたいな結構多くて。めっちゃ早いです。

・APM / Tokyo / Ema oota

① I experienced many new things such as APU events and off-campus programs. It's very newness for me.

② Fast: Everything’s going by so fast. I have a lot of tasks and have classes every day, so I feel “Oh, it’s already Friday today!” So, I feel fast.

↑大田彗真ちゃん / Ema oota


① 結構疲れました。めっちゃ疲れました。心が。環境の変化に凄い弱くて、凄い落ち込んでました。知らない人だらけだし、みんな英語ペラペラだし・・・疲れた時は高校の友達とzoomしたり電話したりしてます。

② 「疲」:総じて、疲れた。

・APM / Shizuoka / Chihiro Tsunogae

① I feel tired. I'm so tired. My heart is tired. I can’t adapt to changes quickly, so I got depressed. They're all streners, they can speak English fluently… When I was tired, I called my high school friends and zoomed in with them.

② Tired:Sum up, I’m tired.

↑角替千浩ちゃん / Chihiro Tsunogae

・APM / 静岡 / 小泉 舞ちゃん

① 初めは、静岡に帰りたかったけど、別府楽しいなと思うようになった!詳しく別府にあるお店とかを知りたいです。

② 「楽しい」:色んな人に出会えて面白いし、友達が沢山できたから。

・APM / Shizuoka / Mai Koizumi

① When I just moved to Beppu, I wanna go back to my hometown. BUT recently, I can enjoy Beppu life. I want to know what senpai recommends shops in Beppu.

② Enjoeable:I’m very enjoy APU life because I met diverse people and I can get new friends.

↑小泉 舞ちゃん / Mai Koizumi


① 文化社会学 が面白いです。清家先生の授業が新しい感覚で興味が湧いたので。ただ、課題は辛い・・・別府に来てからは、健康的な生活、規則正しい生活を心がけています。これからは温泉巡りとかしてみたいな〜〜

② 「忙しい」:初めての一人暮らしが始まって、自分のことを自分でやらないといけないから。生活と学校の両立を自分で行う責任感を感じるし、APUの課題の量も多いから驚いています。

・APS / Fukuoka / Mitsuki Yoshimura

① The Society of culture class is very interesting. When I take this Class who teaches Ms. Seike, I feel a new sensation and am interested in this major but H.W. is so hard for me. When I moved here, I’m keeping in mind healthy days. I wanna go to hot spring’s hopping.

② Busy:Now, I started living alone for the first time. I have to do everything myself. I feel a responsibility to keep a balance of life and university. In APU, I have many many tasks, so it’s very surprising.

↑吉村美月ちゃん / Mitsuki Yoshimura


① 今までは個人主義な環境が当たり前だった。別府市民はとてもオープンな印象を受けて、別府が好きになった。別府の雰囲気も好きなので、色々なところに回りたい。

② 「刺激」:高校では推薦で負けて、今まで特別なことが無かったり、中途半端な生活をしてた。 自分に自信を持ちたい、自分を変えたいと思ってAPUに来た。APUは、1人1人違う個性を持っているので、刺激的です。

・APS / Hokkaido / Misaki Nakano

① Before I entered APU, I lived individualistic environment. People who live in Beppu have an open mind for me, so I like Beppu. So I wanna go to many Beppu spots!!

② Stimulation:When I was high school student, I failed the recommendation entrance exam and I spended half-baked life. I wanna be confident, I wanna change my personality, so I decided to enter APU. APU students are unique so I feel stimulation.

↑中野実咲ちゃん / Misaki Nakano








How was this interview?

They started a new life this April, they felt “yet” or “already”, they answered a variety of feelings.

Pleasant, terrible, surprising, distressful… All feelings are important for people. Even if you have many difficult things, someday these things will surely turn into precious memories. So, please don’t forget these wonderful feelings and enjoy your great APU life!!

For senpai students, did you bring back fresh feelings? It’s so nostalgic nee~~~ We have a few APU life, so let’s enjoy and do all you want.

Bye for now,

Let’s take a good QB and enjoy second quarter life with us!!

See you next time ne~~!!