Ameba Ownd


Time slip in Tokyo: Minami Sunamachi-3

2016.12.28 23:30

This is the last part of our report on the old good shopping street in Koto, Sunamachi Ginza. 

Crowded Yakitori shop 

At the end of this long shopping street, you'll probably see another waiting line for another popular Japanese food, which is Yakitori. (Skewered chicken or Chicken BBQ)

This isn't necessarily a typical winter dish, but has been eaten & enjoyed for years as a nice company with Sake & beer. In recent years, they are also becoming available at some convenience stores. (though you cant expect quality with it...)

Operation with silence 

On this street, the specialty store, Takezawa Shoten, is offering a variety of yakitori menus, giving off irresistible smoky smells

At a time when I visited there, 3 cooks were restlessly grilling dozens of yakitori & packing customers' order one after another. Their streamlined operation with fewer words adds more authenticity to the vibe at this place. (Hope you can feel it from my pics!)

What I chose on the day was these three, all flavored with salt. 

①Chicken leg (Momo Niku)

Probably, this is the part which ordinary Japanese like most & a safe choice at a typical yakitori restaurant. At this place, it was tender & juicy, as I expected. (because their sign says they're procuring meat directly from suppliers!)

②Chicken skin (Tori Kawa / Kawa)

I know some people outside Japan don't like this, but once you spend a couple of years here in Japan sharing yakitori culture with Japanese people, you can't finish your booze session without having Kawa.

Unfortunately, some yakitori restaurants serve it with greasiness & chewiness, but I want my kawa to be cooked properly crispy.

In my opinion, the one from here lacks a bit of crispness, but I know they can't overcook theirs at this point. Once they cook kawa until crisp at the shop, they would be almost hard when people eat them at home for dinner.

③Pork (Buta)

Don't blame me! I know I should have ordered another chicken skewer as I was buying from specialty yakitori store, but this looked sooo yummy! & of course, I guessed right. It was crispy & chunky enough! 

Maybe it depends on a season or day, but this kind of vibrancy is becoming quite valuable in the big city like Tokyo, where people tend to be less socialized one another.

There is more to introduce about this street, but let me put a period this time. I'll post another episode sometime in the near future as an "outtake". 

Thanks for reading.

Posted by 3e-Tokyo

Takezawa Shoten:






Minami Sunamachi st. / Tokyo Metro Tozai line