知育おもちゃ|Educational Toys|2021/06/08
I got an educational toy as a present for my daughter. It has a ball shape and expands and contracts with rubber. In addition, there is a rattling noise and a small ball moves. She can't crawl yet, but she reaches out to pick up this toy. Then the toy rolls on the tip of her hand. She tries to move forward to take it again. Also, when she grabs it with her hand and makes a sound, she will be delighted and try to grab it repeatedly. I find it is well done to induce movements a little further as the child grows. And while having fun. It may be good for adults to have kinds of educational toys. I can make a proposal without knowing it, or I can do business with toys. When I reach 50+ by age, I can learn life philosophy while playing. Learn while playing, not studying. This may be good. -Text and illustration by Ted Sakaki