Palo Alto Networks Certification PSE Strata real dumps
Prepare with Palo Alto Networks Certification PSE Strata real dumps
You will find that Certqueen Palo Alto Networks Certification PSE Strata real dumps are most thorough and the most accurate questions on the market and up-to-date practice test. When you have Certqueen Palo Alto Networks Certification PSE Strata real dumps, it will allow you to have confidence in passing the exam the first time.Certqueen expert team has developed a latest short-term effective Palo Alto Networks Certification PSE Strata real dumps, which is a 20 hours of training for the candidates of Paloalto Networks certification PSE Strata exam.
Certqueen PSE Strata Sample Questions Share
A customer is concerned about malicious activity occurring directly on their endpoints and will not be visible to their firewalls.Which three actions does the Traps agent execute during a security event, beyond ensuring the prevention of this activity? (Choose three.)
A. Informs WildFire and sends up a signature to the Cloud
B. Collects forensic information about the event
C. Communicates the status of the endpoint to the ESM
D. Notifies the user about the event
E. Remediates the event by deleting the malicious file
Answer: B,C,D
Which two products can send logs to the Cortex Data Lake? (Choose two.)
A. AutoFocus
B. PA-3260 firewall
C. Prisma Access
D. Prisma Public Cloud
Answer: B,C
What is the basis for purchasing Cortex XDR licensing?
A. volume of logs being processed based on Datalake purchased
B. number of nodes and endpoints providing logs
C. unlimited licenses
D. number of NGFWs
Answer: B
Which three settings must be configured to enable Credential Phishing Prevention? (Choose three.)
A. define an SSL decryption rulebase
B. enable User-ID
C. validate credential submission detection
D. enable App-ID
E. define URL Filtering Profile
Answer: B,C,E
A service provider has acquired a pair of PA-7080s for its data center to secure its customer base's traffic. The server provider's traffic is largely generated by smart phones and averages 6.000,000 concurrent sessions. Which Network Processing Card should be recommended in the Bill of Materials?
A. PA-7000-20GQ-NPC
B. PA-7000-40G-NPC
C. PA-7000-20GQXM-NPC
D. PA-7000-20G-NPC
Answer: C
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