[出演決定]Museum Concert at Ken Domon Museum of Photography
2020.06.12 02:10
[土門拳記念館 ミュージアムコンサート]Tatsuya Hayashi Will Perform at the Museum
Guitar Performance at Ken Domon Museum of Photography, Yamagata.
Guitar Player and Composer:Tatsuya Hayashi, La Casa de Jirafa for Music and Photograph
Title of the Performance:眩しさと輝きを捉える ~夜に煌めく星空の音楽~-"Catching Dazzle and Brilliancy ~The Twinkle Star Music in the Night~"
Date of Performance:2021.7.3.sat 19:00 - 19:40
Location:The Main Exhibition Room of Ken Domon Museum of Photography
Organizer:Ken Domon Museum of Photography of Sakata Cultural Foundation
HP(Ken Domon Museum of Photography):http://www.domonken-kinenkan.jp/
※土門拳記念館 ロゴ並びに画像の使用については 土門拳記念館 様より許可を頂いております。