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[Pdf/ePub] Snow Leopards: Biodiversity of the

2021.06.27 17:28

Snow Leopards: Biodiversity of the World: Conservation from Genes to Landscapes by Philip J. Nyhus

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Ebook francais free download pdf Snow Leopards: Biodiversity of the World: Conservation from Genes to Landscapes

Snow Leopards: Biodiversity of the World: Conservation from Genes to Landscapes is the only comprehensive work on the biology, behavior, and conservation status of the snow leopard, a species that has long been one of the least studied, and hence poorly understood, of the large cats. Breakthroughs in technologies and methodologies to study this elusive cat have come rapidly, including non-invasive genetics, camera traps, and GPS-satellite collaring. The book begins with chapters on the genetic standing and taxonomy of the snow leopard, followed by chapters on their behavior and ecology. Additional contributions follow on the current and emerging threats to the species, which include longstanding concerns, such as poaching and conflicts with livestock, and new and emerging threats such as mining and climate change. A section on conservation solutions, backed by valuable case studies, starts with an overview of the important role mountain communities play in assuring the snow leopard’s long-term persistence. In addition, chapters on the role of captive snow leopards for the conservation of the species, state-of-the-art techniques and technologies for studying and monitoring snow leopards, status reports from around the region, and future perspectives, such as transboundary conservation initiatives, international conventions (CITES, CMS, etc.), the role of the IUCN Cat Specialist Group and the Snow Leopard Network, and undertakings such as the Global Snow Leopard Forum facilitated by the World Bank are also included. Serves as the first and only comprehensive book on the biology, behavior, and conservation status of the snow leopard Brings together the most current scientific knowledge, documents the most pressing conservation issues, and shares success stories in alleviating the broad threats that now jeopardize the long-term survival of this species Brings current knowledge of the species, not only to researchers and conservationists, but also to decision makers, academics, and students Edited by recognized snow leopard experts, with more than 50 years of collective experience in research and conservation of the species

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effective conservation measures at the landscape level. We will be applyinggenetic analysis techniques in partnership with local . We strive to link snowleopard and biodiversity conservation with initiatives aimed at ecological integrity ofthe traveler's world, and that make a positive contribution to  Biodiversity Conservation in Asia - Squires - 2013 - Asia & the
Prioritising biodiversity conservation, tempered by what is tractable, remains a high priority. and further threatens biodiversity (species, ecosystems and genes ). Asia is also one of the world's largest consumers of wildlife, wildlife .. on state-owned snow leopards, thereby underpinning a biodiversity  PROJECT TYPE - Global Environment Facility
Global Snow Leopard and Ecosystem Conservation Project Objective: To promote landscape approach to conservation and sustainable use .. Western Tian Shan is one of the World's 200 The symbol of Uzbekistan's mountainous areas biodiversity is the Snow Leopard. genetic reserves, habitat of. Saving Leopards | Big Cat Rescue
Marie and Julie both share Big Cat Rescue's vision – a world where the animals we share Amur Leopard: Conservation through Cooperation and geneticdiversity severely impoverished, this subspecies must be considered one .. To make a donation to help save snow leopards in the wild go to www. snow leopard conservation -
Th erefore, understanding landscape connectivity is. We used resistant kernel modeling to assess snow leopard population connectivity across its of 20 areas of relatively high density breeding populations ( ' 20 by 2020 ' : World Bank 2013) . .. processes, genetic diversity and conservation planning for snow leopard. Brahmaputra-Salween Landscape - icimod
The Brahmaputra-Salween Landscape (BSL) encompasses the such as the tiger, clouded leopard, snow leopard, common leopard, Hoolock gibbon, and . other populations of the same species, therefore create significant geneticdiversity. has been implementing the landscape approach to biodiversityconservation  Big Cats in Our Backyards: Persistence of Large Carnivores in a
Furthermore, the large carnivores; leopard (Panthera pardus) and striped to shift from a PA centric to a landscape level conservation approach, where issues are even sub-urban, environments in the developed world [14], [15]. For instance, India has a high diversity of large carnivores, many of which  Project Snow LeoPard - Conservation India
biodiversity including a wealth of medicinal plants, globally important The snowleopard, and indeed the entire Himalayan landscape and .. of the project include the designated HH Tsangyang Gyatso World .. Centre for Biological Sciences (NCBS), Bangalore also have existing genetics laboratories. Asian Elephant | Species | WWF
WWF supports human-elephant conflict mitigation, biodiversityconservation, and Kaziranga Karbi-Anglong Landscape, and in the Nilgiris Eastern Ghats Landscape in South India. Thirty Hills is one of the last places on Earth where elephants, tigers and Snow Leopard · Red panda in Wolong, China  Snow Leopards: Biodiversity of the World: Conservation from Genes
Snow Leopards: Biodiversity of the World: Conservation from Genes toLandscapes is the only comprehensive work on the biology, behavior, and conservation  Landscapes Books:
of 16. California Home Landscaping, 3rd Edition cover image Snow Leopards:Biodiversity of the World: Conservation from Genes to Landscapes cover image  Chapter 11 Transboundary Cooperation | Snow Leopard Survival
Landscape scale planning for intact meta-populations safeguards dispersal corridors core populations, maintains genetic variation and enhances resilience to climate change. The Transboundary Conservation Specialist Group of the IUCN World Support long-term cooperative conservation ofbiodiversity, ecosystem 

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