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DOWNLOADS The (Real) Revolution in Military Affairs

2021.06.30 03:28

The (Real) Revolution in Military Affairs. Andrei Martyanov

The (Real) Revolution in Military Affairs

ISBN: 9781949762075 | 225 pages | 6 Mb
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Kindle ebook kostenlos downloaden The (Real) Revolution in Military Affairs by Andrei Martyanov (English literature)

The liberal world order, a euphemism for American global hegemony, is crumbling at an accelerating pace. While its collapse is tangible, the outcome of such a collapse remains a matter of speculation and public debate. The US is desperately seeking to preserve the status quo, which rests primarily upon recognition of its military supremacy. For millennia, warfare has been a driving force behind changes in the geopolitical status of power configurations (whether of peoples, states or empires), and it remains so, today. Accordingly, short of actual warfare, the assessment (modeling) of relative military power plays an inordinate role in the determination of national status. Models of emerging changes in military capability range from relatively simple to extremely complex ones. Viewing the evolution of the current system of international relations outside the framework of actual, rather than propaganda-driven, military capabilities is not only useless, it is dangerous since states’ mistaken assessment of their own and other states’ military power can lead to misadventures and catastrophic mistakes. The United States’ efforts to preserve not just its dominance but the perception of its dominance are bound to fail for many important reasons, none more important than what is often misidentified in past American military-theoretical hypotheses about the future of warfare, known generically as the Revolution in Military Affairs (RMA). This book explains why those hypotheses are failing and will continue to fail, and addresses the real RMA. In the end, technological development in weaponry as a response to tactical, operational and strategic requirements defines not only a nation's geopolitical status but determines the global order. Assessments of military capacity, if reality-based, serve as good predictors of the level of volatility in international relations and the level of violence globally. This book gives an insight into the evolution of weapons and the way they influenced international relations in the 20th and 21st centuries. It also defines Revolution in Military Affairs as manifested via policy, politics, and technology. It reviews some models which are useful in assessing the current geopolitical situation. This book also tries to give a forecast of the future development of warfare and the ways in which it is going to change the whole system of international relations, hopefully towards a new geopolitical equilibrium.

preparing for the next war: reflections on the revolution in military
today's revolution in military affairs (RMA) must inevitably fail. Any view of the . real innovations were organizational adaptation and new operational concepts. The Counter-Revolution in Military Affairs - Air Force Magazine
The notion of a "Revolution in Military Affairs" started with the Russians in the late . but the real reason was what Gates considered to be excessive advocacy of  Women and children make a revolution in military affairs - Fabius
With few historical precedents, except in myths, large numbers of women and children in war is the true revolution in military affairs. We can  The Counterrevolution in Military Affairs - Air University
CHAPTER I: THE REVOLUTION IN MILITARY AFFAIRS. The concept of the RMA and relevant adjacent areas in real-time or near-real time. The US is further. The Revolution in Military Affairs - Commonwealth Institute
Hence a true revolution should presumably affect all levels of military science, at least those below grand strategy, i.e. strategy, operational art and tactics. Mind the Gap Promoting a Transatlantic Revolution in Military Affairs.
Mind the gap: promoting a transatlantic revolution in military affairs / by David C. Gompert . All of this is true, but it is a price worth paying in order to garner the. The (Real) Revolution in Military Affairs – CLARITY PRESS
It also defines Revolution in Military Affairs as manifested via policy, politics, and technology. It reviews some models which are useful in assessing the current  (PDF) Applying the Revolution in Military Affairs to Intelligence
Three tenets from the 'Revolution in Military Affairs' are examined as sources on all aspects of an enemy in real time” (Ferris, 2009, 458). This allows. The Next Revolution In Military Affairs: Multi-Domain Command and
A Revolution in Military Affairs (RMA) is a theory about the evolution of against a target from any domain and receive near-real-time feedback. Military Affairs - AWS
From “Revolution in Military Affairs” (RMA) .. targeting, and a near real-time decision cycle based on equal advances in secure. Keeping Pace with the Revolution in Military Affairs - CIA
basis, but the real revolution [in military and intelligence affairs] will be in behavior. appropriate standard form. In triplicate. Nor does the RMA guarantee the 

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