Ameba Ownd


就活の意味|Meaning of Jpb Hunting|2021/07/01

2021.06.30 22:41


Various materials and posters related to job hunting and internships are posted at the university. There is also a course for second-year students, "Getting an early job offer and getting a satisfying job hunting." 33 years ago, I didn't want to get a job. Because I didn't want to work. But somehow I started job hunting. I was gradually fascinated as I met and listened to people from various companies. They all seemed to enjoy their work and to be cool. I eventually met more than 50 people, including those in non-aspiring industries, and learned that there were a variety of professions. And I wanted to join the companies and work. I feel that it has a meaning of job hunting that is not just about achieving the goals. -Text and illustration by Ted Sakaki

#就活 #jobhunt #ob訪問