4 tips on how to consult a Personal Trainer
Tip 1: Tell them your goal first.
Be clear about your goal and purpose for coming to a personal trainer for a consultation.
For example, if you're exercising but can't lose weight, the advice your personal trainer should give you will depend on how many pounds you need to lose, when you want to lose weight, and whether you need to gain muscle but not lose weight.
If you don't clarify the purpose of your consultation, the personal trainer will not know what to answer. Therefore, when you go to a personal trainer for a consultation, tell him or her the purpose of your visit first, and then start explaining the situation in detail.
Tip 2: Go to the consultation in person
If you are busy, or if you are not interested in training, your family may want to go to the consultation on your behalf.
However, there are some personal trainers who clearly state that they do not accept consultations from anyone other than the client, or that they do not take requests for consultations.
Even if the personal trainer is an expert in bodybuilding, if you don't know your intentions, he or she will only give you a general answer, and in the end, you will not be able to get any satisfactory information.
As much as possible, try to go to the personal trainer in person for consultation.
Tip 3) Keep a timeline together.
When consulting with a personal trainer, it is a good idea to be able to give a timeline of when and why you gained weight and how long you have not been exercising.
No matter how much of a personal trainer you are, if the information you hear for the first time from someone you've never met is fragmented, you won't be able to get the facts right.
If you do not understand the facts, you will not be able to give accurate advice, and your consultation time will be wasted.
Tip 4) Consult as early as possible.
There are many people who think, "If I'm getting a little fat, I don't need to consult a personal trainer..." This is a big mistake.
The earlier you consult with a personal trainer, the less you will have to lose.
On the contrary, once you are overweight and in a serious situation, it will take more time and increase your mental burden and personal training costs.
Instead of deciding for yourself whether you need a consultation or not, go talk to a personal trainer first.
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⇒ How do you choose a personal trainer without making mistakes?