The plane is flying like this!

My wingless airplane can fly !

2021.07.12 04:07

   Let's make a model airplane (flying object) that weighs less than 1 gram! I challenged.

    1)When the weight was less than 1 gram, it was necessary to secure the speed of movement in the air in order to obtain lift, and first of all, it was necessary to make the Drag (drag) as small as possible.

    2)Arguably the lightest structural material I could get was Styrofoam.

   By repeating trial and error, I pursued the shape of the aircraft and finally arrived at an airplane without wing.

   Normally, there are wings on both sides of the fuselage, but an airplane without wing was completed.

・ Weighing 0.88 gram, I have achieved my first goal.

Let's fly it !

   The aluminum 1-yen coin weighs just 1.00 gram.

   It is actually quite difficult to "throw an object with a volume of 1 gram or less in this way and move it in the air". In other words, it flew with less drag and getting lift.

   In fact, the upper and lower surfaces of the aircraft without wings have a shape close to the "optimal shape of wings” (My patent No. 6452877) that I propose. It's like a flying wing with an extremely narrow width (a tail wing is required for attitude control).

・ If this flies in this attitude, the tip of the aircraft will be on the vertical center line of the aircraft, and the drag will be minimized.

・The front half of the upper surface of the aircraft generates downward lift according to "Principle 1", and the rear half of the upper surface and the lower surface generate upward lift.

・The width of the aircraft is as thin as 15 mm, and the flow wraps around to the side, and it seems that the lift generated by "Principle 2" is quite small.

・And considering that it flew like a paper airplane, it may be an example of demonstrating the mechanism shown in "Mechanism of lift generation" and "Estimation of lift & drag"! 

・No one who sees this video says that there is a "circulation" generated from the "departure vortex”!  Or do you say, "This is another mechanism"?

To the top page of aerodynamics

To find the optimum cross-sectional shape of the wing