Hydrangea By The Lake Reisenji

2021.07.19 04:12

☆Best time of Hydrangea : Mid. July  (2021.7.16now: Beginning of blooming )

There are about 100,000 hydrangea blossoms. Hydrangeas start blooming from mid July.

Address: 2755-345, Kawakami, Iizuna Town, Nagano Pref.


MAPCODE *: 54 578 001*65

Access: Approx. 25 minutes from Shinshu-Nakano IC,

or Approx. 20 minutes from Shinanomachi IC,

or Approx. 20 min. on the taxi from Shinano Railway Mure station.


* "マップコード" and "MAPCODE" are registered trademarks of DENSO.