Ameba Ownd


Washington Insight

Understanding the concept of farmer to consumer

2021.07.30 16:02

Farmers and consumers must interact directly as it will help the farmers to get the maximum compensation and reach the level of consumer satisfaction by the direct sale of agricultural products at affordable price.

Direct selling מהחקלאי לצרכן which means from farmer to consumer, of agricultural products helps to completely eliminate middlemen and commission agents who charge high fees from farmers to sell their products and then artificially increase retail prices.

All successful agricultural activities require a delicate balance of production and distribution. Many farmers choose to market their produce directly because it allows for better potential profit margins than wholesaling.

The benefits of eliminating the mediator and getting feedback directly from the customer can create these labor-intensive marketing avenues worthwhile.

Direct farm marketing involves selling a product directly from the farm to customers. Often times, the farmer receives similar prices to what a grocery store would. This is more entrepreneurial than wholesale business. The farmer using this method grows more of a 'product' than a crop.

The opportunity to interact with farmers is one of the reasons why consumers want to buy this way. Farmers can sell to restaurants, retail stores and establishments because the farmer has some control over the price and the transaction is based on the relationship with the business owner.

The benefits of direct marketing from the farm are that since small quantities of agricultural products can be sold, small producers can participate as well. The farmer sets the price or has more control over the price. Good products and services can fetch attractive prices; therefore small farms can be profitable too.

In addition, farmers receive prompt consumer feedback on products and services. With this input, the farmer can improve their business and increase the profits of the farm.

A farmer that sells directly to its customer assumes higher risk than selling in wholesale markets. This is more like starting a business.

By using direct farm marketing, the farmer takes on a new role and becomes responsible for marketing, retail, advertising, customer relations, etc.

This process requires personality and patience to work with people: the consumers. Finally, although the direct marketing potential of farms is very high, the process is not easy. This approach requires crop preparation, customer service, competitiveness, and more.

Selling direct to consumers online is a great way farmers can leverage the digital channels to increase their business.

At a time when online shopping is just as popular and effective as traditional forms of shopping, more and more consumers are opening up to the idea of getting their fruits and vegetables delivered to their doorstep.

This is beneficial for both the producer as well as the consumers. For people that are busy with their lives and do not have time to spend looking for different agricultural produce they need, they can simply order all of them online at a single place.

On the other hand, the producers are exposed to their consumers in a much greater way online than they would otherwise.