How to become a plastic cup【Cold pasta with tomatoes and anchovies】intersting Japanese food

2021.08.05 05:32

How to make pasta with a presentation that makes you want to take a picture.

Cooking is very easy because the pasta is just boiled and the sauce is mixed.

日本語の同じ動画はこちら :

Ingredients were purchased at wholesale market "gyōmu sūpā".

gyōmu sūpā are very famous stores in Japan, and there are many stores in various places.

wholesale market "gyōmu sūpā"s link.

If you do not live in Japan, prepare similar ingredients in your country or region.

I'm the owner of a pizza shop in Okinawa, Japan.

Taking advantage of my experience, I make videos of how anyone can easily make food and drinks at home and how to serve them for takeout at restaurants.

If you like the video, please rate it and subscribe to the channel !!

We cook with bare hands for shooting, but when we make products to provide to our customers, we ensure hygiene management such as masks, hand washing, and washing of ingredients.

The food and drinks in the video are not available at BEAPA stores, or the recipes are different.

#anchovies #japanfood #Cold pasta


Cup used

Plastic cup


Clear plastic cup


24oz 709ml



Spaghetti 100g

Marinara tomato sauce 50g

2 slices of oil-pickled anchovies

Two baguette garlic butter slices

Extra virgin olive oil 30ml

Caesar salad dressing a little

Herb salt Italian mix a little

Leaf lettuce 2-3 sheets

2 slices of tomato


1. Boil the pasta

2. Put the tomato sauce in a 50g bowl

3. Put chopped anchovies in a bowl

4. Cut the tomatoes into dice and put them in a bowl

5. Put 15 ml of olive oil and a little herb salt in a bowl and mix.

6. Cool the boiled pasta with cold water

7. Slice and toast the baguette

8. Mix pasta and sauce in a cup

9. Serve salad and toast, dress and it's done!


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