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The Pirika Blog

Message from Pirika regarding COVID-19

2020.04.24 09:11

To our Pirika community,  

Thank you for your continuing support and caring our environment from by using Pirika, Anti-litter social media App to work together solving ocean contamination with us.

The COVID-19 (the coronavirus) virus is affecting thousands of people and their families around the world – our thoughts are with those who are personally impacted. We also would like to express our extended gratitude and respect to those essential workers, including healthcare workers, caregivers, public, private, and voluntary personnel, to name a few.

We would like to take this opportunity to share our thoughts about the current pandemic.

  1. We believe Pirika community’s safety and the health are the most important.

Solving the environmental issues were always on top of Pirika’s list but nothing is more important than safety and health in the community you and everyone relates you are in.

Please practice good hygiene scientifically approved to protect against COVID-19 such as wearing masks, washing hands well with soaps and keep social distance.   

  1. Please avoid organizing a large group of people for litter picking for Pirika’s App. Don’t forget to wash your hands well after you return from outside.

At the same time, we all know that COVID-19 does not wipe away from the trash issues we’ve been facing. Pirika community’s journey to solve the issues continue. To maintain a good health, going outside for walk and jogging are know to be OK. We believe litter picking can be maintain in low risks to expose COVID-19 if you practice correctly. 

These is a few things we would like you to pay extra attention when you do litter picking.

We understand that some of you find litter picking is good way to do moderate exercise    during a day. We also do know that this is a key activity to solve the trash problems we’ve been facing.  

We kindly ask to those who organize cleaning activity in teams value your member’s well-being and safety first by changing it to individual activity from group activities until it’s over.

In case if you are using Pirika App for Group and thinking to switch to Individual or any other questions or concerns about using Pirika App during this time, please feel free to contact us by sending your email at  

  1. Pirika does not give up on the garbage issues nor COVID-19.

You might concern about if COVID-19 effects on Pirika’s future and the service. We proudly tell you that there is no need any immediate worry.  

Pirika is financially being operating very steady and conservatively, and the operation team has been now doing WFH, Work From Home, because we believe the team and the family members safety and well-being at the first priority. Additionally, Pirika’s field work currently under preparation to minimize the risk of COVID-19.

We appreciate and your cooperation for this work style change including now a meeting will be online meetings until further notice. (If you have any uncertainty about holding online meeting, we are happy to support you.)


Before I finish my letter to you and Pirika community, COVID-19 and solving the environment trash issue has a similar point; both of them are not solved right away. We believe what the environmental issues needs more time than COVID-19. We know there will be another situations like this in the future. But we are much for sure that we can conquer them as a team.  

Stay safe and stay healthy,

Fujio Kojima

CEO, Pirika, Inc. / Pirika Association