Ameba Ownd


美鳥’s Midorish

秋のオンラインZiaクラス!Autumn online class

2021.08.17 12:39


My Zia classes in 2021 autumn!

9月は妖精Ziaクラス。10月はMalhambra2 中心をずらして新しい装いに!

Fairy Zia Class in September.  Malhambra 2 in October. Look at her new face!


We will enjoy Japanese culture in November. Let us draw on phi  tile.






詳しくはそれぞれのクラスの説明を見てみてね。↓ お申し込みお待ちしています!

As you know, preparing one class is hard enough. But I wanted to release all 3 classes together. Because I wanted to make a set class which I show my appreciation to my student.

The set including a bonus movie which will be sent in October. And the price is discounted.

Every tile looks so complicated and looks difficult to draw. But, it is magical Zentangle. You can complete it with careful drawing on my lead.

Though in this class, we will use many materials and it will take 3hours to finish.

It will be a wonderful experience  completing the gorgeous tile after a long journey!

Please check each classes for more information. You can read English explanation after Japanese document. ↓ I'm waiting you to draw with!

You can pay by Paypal payment in BASE shop. I'm sorry that all foreign credit card is not accessible.

↑これがお得な全部セットですよ〜 This is the reasonable all 3 class set!