Ameba Ownd


Kenta Suzuki ( Kenta Gifu )

Stimulated Percussions

2016.10.12 17:38

「Stimulated percussions: techniques for controlling human as percussive musical instrument by using electrical muscle stimulation.」

蛭子綾花, 橋爪智, 鈴木健太, 石井晃, 坂下申世, 落合陽一

SIGGRAPH Asia 2016 Poster, Augmented Human 2017 Short Paperに採択

Stimulated PercussionsはEMS(電気筋肉刺激)を用いて打楽器を演奏する人間の体を制御する新しい手法です。芸術や科学分野では、訓練を受けていない人々が楽器を演奏できるようになる可能性を拡張するための研究がなされてきました。特に、人間の体を制御できるEMSは特定の楽器を演奏することに応用されてきました。本研究は、EMSを用いた時の、体の各部分の動きを評価し、リズムを刻むように信号を与え、その動きがどの楽器に適用可能かを調査しました。

「Stimulated percussions: techniques for controlling human as percussive musical instrument by using electrical muscle stimulation.」

Ayaka Ebisu, Satoshi Hashizume, Kenta Suzuki, Akira Ishii, Mose Sakashita, Yoichi Ochiai

Accept for SIGGRAPH Asia 2016 and Augmented Human 2017

We propose Stimulated Percussions, a new method designed to beat out rhythm by controlling human bodies with percussions using electrical muscle stimulation (EMS). Numerous studies in the fields of both science and art have been carried out to expand the possibilities for untrained people to be able to play musical instruments. Especially, in some studies, EMS capable of controlling the human body is applied to play a particular musical instrument. However, these studies have focused on movements of the human body for playing one specific instrument that requires movement of the whole body. Therefore, in this study, we used EMS to evaluate the body movements associated with different muscles. Moreover, we set up individual rhythms to these body movements and discussed the instrument that could be played by using these rhythms. We believe this design method would be able to expand the possibility for support to play a musical instrument.