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[download pdf] The American Sign Language Phrase Book

2021.08.28 14:26

The American Sign Language Phrase Book by Barbara Bernstein Fant, Betty Miller, Lou Fant

Text book downloads The American Sign Language Phrase Book 9780071497138  by Barbara Bernstein Fant, Betty Miller, Lou Fant in English

Download The American Sign Language Phrase Book PDF

Download The American Sign Language Phrase Book

Text book downloads The American Sign Language Phrase Book 9780071497138 by Barbara Bernstein Fant, Betty Miller, Lou Fant in English

Open up a whole new world of communication through ASL You can easily learn ASL with help from The American Sign Language Phrase Book. With more than 500 phrases, this is the reference guide to everyday expressions in American Sign Language, providing a quick way for you to converse with deaf people. Clearly illustrated with hundreds of line drawings, this book focuses on areas such as health, family, school, sports, travel, religion, time, money, food and drink, and small talk. This edition's new chapter on technology boasts 50 phrases to help you communicate about the Internet, computing, video relay, and more. There is even a chapter that gives you phrases for communicating about signing: asking people to sign slower, indicating your fingerspelling ability, and requesting help with your fledgling skills. From asking simple questions (“How are you?”) to more complex phrases (“There's no sign for that, you have to fingerspell it.”), The American Sign Language Phrase Book gives you the power to communicate easily and comfortably in ASL. Organized by topic/focuses on health/family/sport/ travel/religion/time/money/food & drink/etc. Read More Show Less

The American Sign Language Phrase Book by -
The American Sign Language Phrase Book ebook by Barbara Bernstein FantType: ebookPublisher: McGraw-HillReleased: July 21, 2008Page  The American Sign Language Phrase Book with DVD. Fant
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