Ameba Ownd


APU Beppaper

夏休み記事 Part 4

2021.09.04 13:00



Hello~it’s Risa and my turn to write this time! It should be getting close to fall according to a calendar. There is this word “Dokusho-no-aki”, which means “reading in fall, fall for reading”(I don’t know if the translation is right or not but anyway, so the topic is about books.


I’ve loved reading fantasy books as part of a little escape from a harsh real world, especially one of those books with magic, dragons or talking animals. I enjoyed pretty much everything from the classic fantasy novels like “Harry Potter” series, “Eragon” , “Parcy Jackson and the Olimpians” to “The last dragon chronicles ” by Chris d’Lacey. I haven’t read those fantasy books as I grew up, but they bring back good memories when I was reading back then and scenery I was imagining while I was reading them. 


So this time, I would like to recommend some of those fantasy books for your “Dokusho no Aki”.

たくさん読んできたファンタジーものの児童小説で、大人になっても読みたくなるものの一つは、ナルニア国物語シリーズ(C.S. ルイス著)。全七巻のうち一巻目の「ライオンと魔女」というお話は、戦時中、疎開先の古いお屋敷にやってきた四人兄妹(上からピーター、スーザン、エドマンド、ルーシィ)たちの物語。 

One of the fantasy books I absolutely love to re-read now is “The Chronicles of Narnia” written by C.S. Lewis. There are seven books, and the very first one titled “The lion, the witch and the wardrobe” is a story of four siblings who came to an old house for their evacuation due to the war. 


One day, while playing hide-and-seek, they step into an old wardrobe and find themselves lost in the magical, snowy land of Narnia... Narnia has been under the control of a wicked witch called the White Witch for a long time, who has taken away the four seasons and turned it into winter, but with the help of a mysterious lion called Aslan, the four children are on an adventure to take back the beautiful Narnia once it was.


It has also been made into a film, which is very nice, but the book published by Iwanami Shoten, in a gentle translation by Seiji Seta, will make your heart filled with warm, nice feeling.


Another favorite thing about the book is the illustration. There are Mr. Tumnus and Lucy on the cover.


The second one is called “The Dragon of Lonely Island” by Rebecca Rupp. Hannah, Zachary and Emily are spending their summer holidays in their aunt's old house on an isolated island. On the island is a rocky hill called Drake's Hill, and a letter from their aunt says, "If you are bored, I suggest you check out Drake's Hill”. So they went to Drake's Hill and found a big dragon with three heads... 


This big dragon with three heads tells the children a story, and each story is very heartwarming. Each dragon has a unique personality that will make you giggle. If you are interested in gentle dragons, this is the book for you.


The dragon with three heads. They are siblings and when one of them is up, the other two are sleeping.

最後はちょっと、小説から外れてしまいますが「つみきのいえ」という絵本です(平田研也・著 加藤久仁生・絵)。絵本の内容を思い出しながら書いてみてから気がついたのですが、ファンタジーかと言われるとそれもそうでもないかも...でもとっても素敵なお話なのでぜひお薦めさせてください笑

The last book is not quite a novel but a picture book, titled “Tsumiki no ie”(EN: Once upon a home upon a home) by Kenya Hirata and Kunio Kato. As I write I realized this story might noy even be a fantasy but this book is one of my favorites anyway so let me just mention it here. 


It is a book that my grandparents, who lived far away, sent to me when I was feeling that I was not reading picture books as much as I used to. I have very fond memories of this book.


One day, the old man who lives there drops a tool when he is trying to build a new house, and the story begins to reflect on his life. The picture book has a gentle touch and the story of the old man looking back on his life and cherishing his memories is calming and touching. The story is short and easy to read, even for those who live in a hurry.


I have always been moving from Beppu to AKita etc, but this book has been a must have. My absolute favorite. 




The books I've mentioned here are all very heart-warming. In a time when there is a lot of negative news, why don't we stop for a moment and be kind?

There's still a month or so of summer holidays left, so why not take some time out to read them!


Let’s have a nice reading time with tea or some sweet stuff

Shiho will be in charge of the next issue, look forward to it!


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