fmovies Dune 1984 Full Movie Dailymotion

2021.09.12 00:52

Directed by=David Lynch
Actor=Virginia Madsen
7,1 of 10

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Dune 1984 full movie dailymotion movie. Dune 1984 full movie. Dune 1984 Full Movie dailymotion dailymotion.

Dune 1984 Full Movie dailymotion blogged

I don't really like science fiction. However, Dune is one of my favorite books ever. It has a depth to it that eludes most sci-fi. You notice in most stories of this genre there is very little spiritualism. David Lynch in his usual style goes after the more surreal elements of the book. This has got to be the only sci-fi story that has the characters taking hallucinogenic drugs to gain enlightenment. The film has a really cool psychedelic element to it. When Paul takes the spice melange and the sandworms look down upon him. Yeah man, pass me the bong!
There are so many cool scenes in this film. When Paul has to put his hand in the 'Gom Jabbar.' I can't remember whether that is the correct way to spell it. When he ingests the spice melange. The final battle between the freeman army and the Emperors sadukar troops. Any scene with space navigators. His 'fear is the mind killer' mantra repeated as he rides his first worm. All of this is exciting and very cool. Lynch takes us into a completely alien world.
The set designs are wicked. The whole film looks great. The space navigator guild looks like a bunch of s&m freaks. The bene gesserit look is also cool. I love how the space navigator creatures are worm/lobsters that live giant fish tanks.
This film fascinated me as a little kid. I remember seeing it and much of it was lost on my little mind. My father being an avid fan encouraged me to read the book. I found my answers there. What makes me wonder is why don't people do the same? Nothing has to be handed to you on a platter. You do the math. Besides there is no way you can cover Dunes depth in the running time of the original film.
Basically reading interviews with Lynch he states that he lost virtually all control of the project. That the studio began to make decisions for him on the picture. Lynch stated that the whole shoot was a nightmare and the film was just cut to pieces. He also had to keep the film reasonably mainstream. So basically you have a watered down Lynch version of Dune. But you also have an audience friendly version that is not friendly enough. So nobody ends up happy. The new extended version does not help things either. It adds a bunch of unnecessary footage and throws in a lame intro. Can you imagine if cult director, Alexander Jodorowsky of El Topo fame was hired to make this film? He was the original choice to direct. The film would have been amazing! What a shame!
This film has some very visible flaws and is far from perfect. The Baron is overacted, although I did not really mind this. After all, he is the mean and maniacal villain. However, the actor I did mind was Sting. Besides from being a caricature he looks like a demented circus clown. He was obviously miscast. Patrick Stewart is another actor who is miscast. He does not play Gurney well and yells his lines Also Richard Jordon as Duncan Idaho was bad. I have always thought that this guy is a bad tv actor and I am glad we only see enough of him to be killed.
However all the rest of the cast are dead on. From Dean Stockwell as the traitorous doctor to Duke Leto as the proud but doomed martyr figure. Kyle Maclachlan is also an excellent choice for Paul. He gives off a quiet, confident and regal air.
Yes, some of the special effects are not very good. But this film was made in 1984 and is not going to look like the Matrix. The story is actually much, much deeper than the Matrix. Dune is also pretty slow by todays standards.
But the film is tense and sometimes exciting. This is unlike the tv mini-series, which contains much more detail but manged to put me instantly to sleep. It was sooo boring. Not only that all of the acting sucked! Alec Newman can't act to save his life and has absolutely no charisma.

Lastly the music is very dated now. Brian Eno is a talented guy who deals in electronica but electronic music does date easily. Some of the guitar driven stuff like when Paul first rides the sandworm reduces the film to a kind of Flash Gordon camp.
Overall Dune is a very mixed bag, it has many flaws but is still enjoyable. Not as hard to follow as some of the reviewers here would make out. I think if you are a first time watcher this is the best choice. The mini-series is strictly for fans because the plot is sooo detailed that the casual observer will just lose interest. Plus this version has better acting, effects and is just much more fun. It has a deep and intangible mystery. An enigmatic air, which the mini-series sadly lacks. But like anything if you want to understand the plot in its full entirety then read the book. Problem solved. I'll give it a 8 out of 10 because I am a fan that is not afraid of ambiguity.

Dune 1984 full movie dailymotion movies full

Dune 1984 full movie dailymotion part 1.


Lushly stark. Intriguingly Simply. Evocatively deadpan. David Lynch's 1980's take on this grand-scale story is all these things and more.
This film has been among my favourites for a goodly length of time. Maybe it was a small obsession as a young lad, but I watched it over and over again till i could quote large portions of it and annoy family and friends! Nice.
In typical David Lynch style this film is both visually arresting and multi-layered, capturing the essence of a VERY lengthy novel. It's probably easier to say this, though, when the film led you to the novel and not vice-versa.
I think part of the hook for me is the mystery surrounding the story. You get a sense of something much bigger/wider going on but you can't quite grasp what it is. This led me into the book(s) where the story originated and continued. Lynch creates this mystique, i think, as much by what he leaves out as by what he includes. The economical use of dialogue heightens this feel and intensifies the contrast with the seemingly simple 'veneer' plot.
The grandiose costuming is stunning, particularly contrasted with the (often) dim lighting and grimy aesthetic. These combine to create the very real, though alien, feeling environment which Frank Herbert's incredible detail brought to life in the book.
A love of science fiction is not a prerequisite for this film, but an appreciation of movies that are not so straightforward will likely mean you will get more from it. If you enjoyed this then I would suggest the following film experiences to enrich your stock:
City of Lost Children (Jeunet & Caro) Delicatessin (Jeunet & Caro) American Astronaut, The (The Billy Nayer Show)
Cheers, Jacob.