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Every one of us needs to nurture nourish and feed our spirituality

2021.09.18 05:59

Every one of us needs to nurture, nourish and feed our spirituality every so often. Sometimes we just need to slow down for a while and meditate if we are doing in the right side of things. There are several Bible verses, quotes, and passages that are nourishing to our spirituality. A Bible reading can also enhanced our knowledge on sanctity, purity and piety. Every now and then we need to cleanse our souls with any kind of impurities in life that can pollute our minds and sometimes our bodies. There might be times when we get strayed and might be heading in another direction away from sanctity for a while however we need to cleanse, purify and rinse ourselves from any impurities and filth of life. We need to make a pause, ponder and meditate if there is really some direction when it comes to the flow of our own life stream.Water Cooled Evaporator  Sometimes we need to refresh ourselves, and assess ourselves if we are really making our spiritual life productive, growing and flourishing. Having a perfect and healthy body and mind is not enough to be in the correct side of things. We need to feed our spirituality with nourishment to make our minds, hearts, and souls cleanse, healthy and thriving. Being healthy is just not having a healthy body and mind, but having a healthy soul. You are not completely healthy when your soul is rotten, spoiled and decaying in hell. You need compassion, sympathy and kindness to others in order to pass these tests of being righteous, moral and honorable. You cannot be righteous and honorable when your soul is full of deceit, revulsion and lust. You need to be free from any abhorrence, detestation and loathing. You are very honorable in the surface but actually your heart is blackened with hatred, distaste and loathing. What kind of a person is that? You need to scrub your blackened heart from any soot, dust and grime, and color it with love, goodwill and compassion. That is spiritual growth, you need to feed, sustain, and suckle your soul with love, benevolence, and empathy. These are the provisions and nourishment of the soul, and read your Bible. It is the tool towards godliness, divinity and spiritual growth. Spiritual growth is a comprehensive knowledge. An analysis of several global faith and beliefs such as: Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Taoism, Buddhism, and many others, would allow an individual to understand the whole doctrine and principle concept distinctively. How every faith would look to every believer depends on the personal reception and the intensity spiritual development or growth around its distinctive principle scheme. Faith is the personal assertion of a belief or trust in a conviction, creed or idea. The term “faith” refers to a trust, belief or hope to a definite devotion and dedication to a Supreme Being. It may be applied to a specific religious custom, ritual or belief. Spiritual growth is the building up of your faith to make it more solid and binding to get you by with life and day to day living.