popcorn time Movie It (2017) With English Subtitles
rating=8,2 / 10.
audience Score=431262 Vote.
Stars=Finn Wolfhard.
Stephen King.
director=Andy Muschietti
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Pennywise: do you want it back? Georgie: no thx you can keep it THE END.
Movie It (2017) With English subtitles.
Movie about the fight of a group of teenagers against a scary killer clown.
Because of the big success of the film I visited the theater with high expectations but I was disappointed.
Biggest problem are the scenes with the horror clown. They are much too long with many effects and lose so their horror. It's more like an endless ride through a tunnel of horror on a funfair - exhausting but not really scary. In scenes of 'normal' conversation to a child without special effects the acting of the clown is excellent. Here the clown is much more threatening.
The acting of the teenagers is mediocrely. It's sometimes overacted and sometimes it seems they are standing around and have forgotten their text.
Another issue are the parents of the children. There's a fat mom who wants to be kissed by her son and a disgusting father with filthy mind to his daughter. It's difficult to figure out whether a horror clown is more threatening than these parents.
There's also sentimental sob-stuff e.g. when a boy revives the girl by a kiss.
The camera work is appealing and the mood of the horror environment is good.
The message of the movie is that if losers stick together they can win.
I think the movie is about 30 minutes too long.
The cat watching Georgie die: Oh to see without my eyes ➖👄➖. Who else thinks that the adult Stanley looks EXACTLY like the kid Stan. In the book Penney wise reveals his name to have once been Mr. Bob Grey. Turkish movies 2017 with english subtitles. “for the way way better” is another way of you saying “so i can make money hgh”. Movie it (2017) with english subtitles malayalam. Every time I see the part of Eddie saying “plz dont be mad Bill I was just scared” i cry. As a human being, that spider is absolutely terrifying. As a horror fan, it is freaking awesome.
Movie it (2017) with english subtitles 2019. 2017: This September what are you afraid of? Me: CLOWNS 2019- This May what are you afraid of? Me: NAKED GRANDMA.
Movie it (2017) with english subtitles dailymotion. I'm not suppose to take stuff from strangers Ur not suppose to talk to strangers either. Movie It (2017) With English subtiles. And never hear someone say oh there he is. Eddie: I believe in Santa claus I bel8ve in the Easter bunny Me: i do to are you still a child. Movie it (2017) with english subtitles converter. Movie it full movie 1.
The drawing of Pennywise reminds me of Dwight Schrute
1:53 Richie immediately asks Eddie if he's okey. it's so cute! He really cares for him so much<3. Movie it (2017) with english subtitles watch. Movie it full movie. Tim Curry acts like a clown. Skarsgaard acts like a godlike alien trying its best to act like a clown. Both are utterly terrifying. Movie it (2017) with english subtitles arabic. I love Pennywise so much but the person that played him really freaked me out like I cannot sleep when I watch this movie.i watched this movie almost 100 movie rocks. Movie it (2017) with english subtitles sub. 1:25 his laugh made me laugh lol while he's turning into a spider😂. It (2017 film) full movie online with english subtitles.
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