Ameba Ownd


REDMOON HR-01A series

2017.03.21 04:07




A short staple of short wallet is sold here, it is called HR, but it is a short wallet HR - 01A of the horse riding series. 

 Although HR's bridle has already been released, this is hand sewn on the front side, with Concho attached to the flap set to 30 mm. 

 And this HR-01A-HMBD has become the sample item, the inner bridle product is usually the same color as the saddle leather, but the sample item is all bridle specification.

一个短短的钱包在这里销售,这是所谓的人力资源,但它是一个短的钱包HR 01a骑的马系列。 虽然HR的缰绳已经被释放,这是手缝在正面,在设置为30毫米的瓣孔乔。 该模型已成为样板项目,内笼头产品通常与鞍革相同,但样品项目均为马鞍规范。


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