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Release year: 2017
Taika Waititi
Duration: 2 Hour 10m
Genre: Fantasy
Country: USA
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This is one of the best MCU movies in my opinion. I say that as someone who feels the first two Thor movies are amongst its weakest too.
The big difference here is the increased humour, alongside excellent action scenes, near perfect direction and atuned musical score.
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Thor has never been my favourite avenger. Although I quite enjoyed his first movie, I hated the second one, and didn't quite know what to expect with this one. However, I absolutely loved it! In the opening scene the humour felt a bit awkward but it quickly gets better throughout, and had the whole cinema of people laughing. I've seen several people compare it to Guardians Of The Galaxy which I think is quite accurate.
Chris Hemsworth (Thor) was brilliant in this movie. He suited the humour really well and played it up quite a bit. It also wouldn't be a Thor film if we didn't have a shirtless scene at some point, and who's complaining to be honest. In my opinion the character was a lot better without the annoying love interest of Jane, who for me personally brought absolutely nothing to the first two movies. She is conveniently tied off when some random human mentions that she dumped Thor, and that's all we hear about her at all. I think the Valkyrie is supposed to be the new love interest, and she shared one or two little moments with Thor throughout the film which was nice. She's a drunk, feisty Asgardian and at least she has more personality than Jane. Just saying, sorry to any Jane fans out there. The dynamic between Thor and Hulk was pretty fun too and he was a welcome addition to the film.
Tom Hiddleston (Loki) is amazing as always. I'm a bit of a Loki fangirl to be honest so I'm slightly biased, but he was funny as ever. We still don't really know what he's doing, as at some points he tries to save Thor and the next he betrays him again, which is kind of annoying. The thing that still hasn't been explained from the first movie though is if he is a frost giant why does he have godly powers? I don't understand! Anyway at the end there are some brotherly bonding moments, and all seems pretty good between them. For now.
The absolute best new character was Korg. A lot of the best jokes came from him and I hope we see more of this character at some point. Hela was also quite a good villain, she had a straightforward aim and plan, which makes a change from Loki's confusing plots. Kinda feel a little sorry for her but not really.
Let's talk a little about the plot. Thor wants to prevent Ragnarok, which you probably know as basically the doomsday of Norse mythology. Whilst on Midgard discussing it with Odin, Odin passes away, meaning Thor's evil sister is released from wherever Odin's magic was containing her. The thing that seemed a little strange to me as that nobody knew who Hela was? She was around when Odin was conquering the nine realms, so do no Asgardians remember that? I'm also not sure about the whole evil sister thing, we kind of already had that with Loki but oh well. Also if Hela is literally the goddess of death why can't she just kill everyone with a click of her fingers if she's so 'super powerful' and everything, like how Thor can summon lightening. Oh well.
As usual with Marvel films, great songs, cinematography and special effects. Fight scenes were good, plenty of badass moments.
Honestly this is the best Thor film, go watch it. It's a good laugh and great action and you won't be disappointed.
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