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USA; release year 2011; Lucy Punch; 1 hour 32m; writers Gene Stupnitsky, Lee Eisenberg; genre Romance, Comedy
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The end scene is hella funny leading up to the bra reveal.
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This scene gives me flashbacks to a simpler time where we had Ebaum's World soundboard prank calls.
Another comic "gem" to satisfy the cravings of an increasingly stupid viewing audience, Bad Teacher" is accurately titled. Cameron Diaz, who is also a bad actress, is indeed very, very bad in this film. Her character is entirely absent any remotely positive traits. There's nothing to like about her, and yet we are supposed to root for her. A film with a title like this would once have been relegated to the porn industry. Now it's just part of mainstream "comedy, right there alongside other immortal classics like "Super Bad. Jack Ass. Kick Ass, etc.
Yes, it was awe inspiring to watch dear Cameron fire balls at the heads of little boys. Not little girls, of course- that wouldn't be funny. It's only humorous to watch little boys in pain. Ha Ha. Think of it- the writers are depicting an adult abusing children, and we're laughing at it! Reverse the roles- can you imagine a "comedy" where a male teacher abuses little girls, and the audience is amused by it?
Several obvious sequels spring to mind here; Bad Student, Bad Principal, Bad Janitor, Bad Cafeteria Lady, etc. The possibilities are endless. The American idiocracy apparently have an unlimited appetite for these mindless, immature "comedies" that could all have been written by 12 year old boys. I guess these "writers" never run out of ways to portray farting, male asses and men getting hurt (usually by getting hit in the crotch. Thank goodness their "talent" was recognized and is being put to such good use.
Everyone who had anything to do with this monstrously bad movie should be ashamed of themselves. The messages it sends are horrendous. If "bad teachers" start popping up in real life, they should never be held accountable for their actions, no matter how despicable they are. After all, Hollywood has told us that such creatures are hilarious, even lovable. So lighten up, it's all in good fun.
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Zlo c4 8desta u c4 8diteljica 2011 movie download in french review. Zlo c4 8desta u c4 8diteljica 2011 movie download in french plus. Might be the best scene of the movie. 2:32 I like that😍💋 💝💖❤️. Zločesta uciteljica 2011 movie download in french film. What's karn. Girl: I need to go to the bathroom Me:There is no Bathroom (Arnold accent.
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Very bad film.
Nothing funny in this film at all. I kept on waiting for the comedy moments but they did not materialise at all.
Moral of the story seems to be to be that the only way is to lie and cheat your way through life.
90 minutes wasted.
Don't be tempted when you see that Cameron Diaz is in it. Even she can't save the film.
I have watched a lot of movies, good and bad. This is the worst one I have ever seen.
Stay away otherwise you will end up regretting it.
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