Ameba Ownd



2021.10.01 02:55



■Champion System(チャンピオン・システム)



(1)Pain’s Refuge(Survivor’s Spite内の星)

This star now reduces your damage taken by 2% for every 2 negative effects on you, rather than 1% per negative effect, while the cap remains at 20%.

Developer Comment:

This change was done to reduce the power of this node in encounters against singular targets, as it is meant to shine in outnumbered situations.




(2)Shield Master

Fixed an issue where this node did not apply to Sun Shield and its morphs, or Crystallized Shield and its morphs.



(1)Cutting Defense

The damage from this node can now proc weapon enchantments or poisons in efforts to help make it more enticing for tanks who want to trigger these effects more reliably without dropping block.

Fixed an issue where the damage from this proc had a higher chance to proc status effects.



■Item Sets(アイテムセット・セット装備)


Fixed an issue where some tooltips would display improper values when wearing a combination of Perfected and non-Perfected versions of a set.

Item sets that proc off Damage Shields will now work with Hardening enchantments for consistency, as many of these sets were inconsistent with this behavior.

Fixed an issue where many sets that required you to drink a potion only worked when you were actively looking at another target. Your enemies will no longer be the judge of you being in combat.

Fixed an issue where many sets that required Critical Strikes could proc off other procs.




2.General - New Rules(全般・選択の幅を広げる新しいルール)②

The following rules will now be followed with item sets when applicable, and has been applied to all existing sets:

Sets that grant Weapon or Spell Damage now grant both.

Sets that grant Physical or Spell Penetration now grant both.

Sets that grant Weapon or Spell Critical rating now grant both.

Developer Comment:

As seen in recent updates, improving character hybridization has been a focus by the team in efforts to better bring to life the mantra of “play the way you want”. This is another large-scale effort done to help better realize that statement. Item sets should empower you to get excited to build and experiment different things and fit into your character in a myriad of ways – and we hope this helps better do that.






ここ最近のアップデートでわかるように、私たちは “play the way you want”「やりたいように遊ぶ」というモットーをよりよく実現するための取り組みとして、キャラクターのハイブリッド化の改良に注力しています。この変更はそのモットーのよりよい実現に向けたさらなる大規模な努力の成果です。セット装備は、違うものを組み合わせて試したり、無数の選択肢から自分のキャラクターにあうものを選んだりするワクワク感を高めてくれる存在です。この変更がその助けになることを願っています。

3.General - Criticaklly Strike(全般・クリティカルを与えられるようになるセット)③

Item sets that scale off Weapon Damage, Spell Damage, Max Magicka, and Max Stamina can now again Critically Strike. Item sets that scale in order of magnitude, or based on additional modifiers such as Relequen or Zaan, will not critically strike. Many of these sets have received adjustments to their power as well. Below are the sets that can Critically Strike and have had their scaling values reduced by approximately 5%. If another number is listed next to a set name, that is the true value change:

Now with the hard cap to Critical Damage and Healing, as well as a new rule set that aims to diminish stacked item set burst potential, we’re moving forward with re-enabling item sets to Critically Strike when applicable. We decided to only target sets that are made for builds that are already building higher than base Critical chance, and have made additional changes to ensure they don’t become outright better than flat stat sets. This should significantly help viability of these sets in PvE, while many of the other targeted adjustments made should keep them reigned in for PvP environments. We expect these values or rules may change over time and we will be keeping a close eye on it.





(1)Arena Weapon(アリーナ武器)

・Frenzied Momentum(疾風怒涛)

Reduced the damage by approximately 28%.

Stacks now grant 30 Weapon and Spell Damage up to 10 times, rather than 38 Weapon Damage up to 5 times.



・Merciless Charge(無慈悲なチャージ)

Reduced the damage by less than 1% per tick, and it now ticks over 7 seconds rather than 5.


・Wild Impulse(衝撃)


・Ashen Grip(青白い柄)

・Coldharbour's Favorite(コールドハーバーの流行)

・Dragon's Appetite(ドラゴンの食欲)

・Eternal Hunt(エターナルハント)

・Legacy of Karth(カースの遺産)


・Nocturnal's Favorite(ノクターナルの寵愛)

・Oblivion's Foe(反オブリビオン)


・Shadlior's Curse(シャリドールの呪い)

・Vampire's Kiss(吸血鬼の口づけ)

(3)Dungeon & Arena(ダンジョン・アリーナ)

・Aegis Caller(アイギスの呼び手)

・Auroran's Thunder(オーロランの雷)

This set now lasts for 5 seconds and ticks every 1 second with a 10 second cooldown, rather than lasting 3 seconds, ticking every half second with a 6 second cooldown.

Increased the damage of this set by approximately 94% per tick.

Increased the arc of the cone to 90




・Azureblight Reaper(アズールブライトの死神)

・Caluurion's Legacy(カルウリオンの遺産)

This set now also only procs off Light and Heavy Attacks, instead of any single target direct damage.


・Curse of Doylemish(ドイルミッシュの呪い)

・Draugr's Rest(ドラウグルズ・レスト)

・Flame Blossom(炎の花)

・Hiti's Hearth(ヒティの炉)

・Icy Conjuror(氷の召喚士)

・Oblivion's Edge(オブリビオンの刃)

・Overwhelming Surge(圧倒するサージ)

Reduced the damage by approximately 3% per tick.


・Pestilent Host(疫病の宿主)

・Pillar of Nirn(ニルンの柱)

・Plague Slinger(疫病の運び手)

・Rush of Agony(迫る苦痛)

・Savage Werewolf(獰猛なウェアウルフ)

・Scavenging Demise(スカベンジングの殺到)

・Sheer Vendom(純粋な毒)


・The Ice Furnace(氷炉)

・Thunder Caller(サンダーコーラー)

Reduced the initial damage by approximately 75% and increased the Damage over Time by approximately 19% per tick.

This set now ticks 1 extra time over its duration as well, but properly respects line of sight.



・Unleashed Terror(解放された恐怖)

・Viper's Sting(毒蛇の針)



(4)Monster Masks(モンスターマスク)




This set now better follows standards for Over Time effects and has a 2 second delay before starting to heal, up from 1 second.

Reduced the frequency to 2 seconds, up from 1, while increasing the healing per tick to ensure the total healing over the duration is approximately 5% less as intended.

The tooltip now more accurately states the behavior of this set's healing sorting.






・Infernal Guardian(業火のガーディアン)

・Kjalnar's Nightmare(クジャルナルの悪夢)


・Maw of the Infernal(業火のモー)

Increased the damage by approximately 2% per hit.

All damage attacks have been properly streamlined to deal the same DPS and are now named Maw of the Infernal for easier tracking in combat logs.





・Prior Thierric(ティエリック団長)



・Spawn of Mephala(メファーラの落とし子)

Increased the damage by approximately 10% per tick.

This set no longer snares enemies.



・Stone Husk(ストーンハスク)


The damage from this set no longer bypasses Spell Resistance on the final hit.


・Valkyn Skoria(ヴァルキン・スコリア)


Reduced the damage by approximately 21%.




・Deadlands Assassin(デッドランドのアサシン)


・Draugr's Heritage(ドラウグルの遺産)

・Mad Tinkerer(狂気の鋳掛屋)

・Night Terror(夜の恐怖)

・Shadow of the Red Mountain(レッドマウンテンの影)

・Stormknight's Plate(ストームナイト)

・Syvarra's Scales(シヴァラの鱗)

・Thunderbug's Carapace(サンダーバグの甲殻)

・Trinimac's Valor(トリニマクの武勇)

・Twin Sister's(双子姉妹)

・Unfathomable Darkness(深淵の暗黒)

・Venomous Smite(有毒の強打)

This set now has a 2 second delay before dealing damage, rather than none while increasing the damage per tick to ensure it meets its new intended value of approximately 5% less.


・Way of Fire(炎の流儀)

・Wtiner's Respite(冬の猶予) ←誤字まま

(6)PvP Sourced(PvP)


・Almalexia's Mercy(アルマレクシアの慈愛)

Increased the healing by approximately 17% per tick.


・Galerion's Revenge(ガレリオンの復讐)

Reduced the damage by less than 1%.

Stack cooldown is now 0.5 seconds instead of 1 second to meet standards.



・Kyne's Kiss(カイネの口づけ)

The heal now scales off your Max Magicka or Stamina, whichever is higher, rather than a flat value. The Stamina restore is still based on the item level.



・Vicecanon of Venom(バイスカノンの毒)

・Vicious Death(残忍な死)


・Destructive Mage(破壊の魔術師・エセルの破壊)

・Poisonous Serpent(毒の大蛇・オフィディアの毒)

・Roar of Alkosh(アルコシュの咆哮)

・Twilight Remedy(黄昏なる救済)

4.General - Burst(全般・バースト)④

Item sets that deal a "burst" of damage in 4 seconds or less now have a 1 second window after proccing that prevent similar item sets from activating.

Item sets that have innate counterplay such as delays, minimum travel times, warning telegraphs, have 1 second or no cooldowns are exempt from this adjustment.

If wearing multiples of these sets at once, any action that would activate multiple sets will instead trigger the first set you equipped and suppress others for 1 second. After that second passes you will be able to attempt to trigger them again.

The sets affected by this change are listed below:

Developer Comment:

In efforts to help reduce the viability of stacking multiple proc sets at once and triggering them at high moments of burst, we've adopted a new standard for sets that lack ingrained counter play. These sets will now always prevent other sets on the list from activating at a singular moment, reducing the ability to front load damage into things such as Heavy Attacks or Ultimates and instantly killing targets. This list can be expanded and adjusted upon in the future, and moving forward, item sets will be held under greater scrutiny in terms of ensuring there are either moments of opportunity to avoid or outright prevention in terms of stacking.








・Ashen Grip(青白い柄)

・Curse of Doylemish(ドイルミッシュの呪い)

・Deadlands Assassin(デッドランドのアサシン)

The Damage over Time now has a 2 second delay, up from 1 second.


・Defending Warrior(守護の戦士・強靭なヨケダ)

・Frenzied Momentum(疾風怒濤)

・Hrothgar’s Chill(フロスガーの冷気)


・Poisonous Serpent(毒の大蛇・残忍なオフィディア)

・Song of Lamae(ラマエの歌)


・Syvarra’s Scales(シヴァラの鱗)

Fixed an issue where this set's damage tooltip was displayed as a name different than the set.


・Thunderbug’s Carapace(サンダーバグの甲殻)

・Thunder Caller(サンダーコーラー)

・Viper’s Sting(毒蛇の針)

・Way of Fire(炎の流儀)


5.Item Traits(特性)


Increased the potency of this trait to 480%, up from 220%, to ensure it is more competitive with other traits in terms of effectiveness.

Developer Comment:

Currently, this trait is being engaged with mainly by Dragonknights trying to get as much sustain as they can, and we’d like the trait to be a bit more than a one note wonder. Now, it should help empower those crafty status effect builds out there and have some better synergy with effects that activate off of them.




6.Ability Altering Weapons(アビリティ変更武器)

(1)Chaotic Whirlwind(混沌の旋風)

Reworked this set's special activate:

It now grants a stack of Chaotic Whirlwind for 5 seconds after casting Whirlwind while in combat, granting 5% movement speed per stack and increases your Weapon and Spell Damage by 6 for every 1% bonus movement speed you have, up to a cap of 450.

This effect stacks up to 5 times, and upon reaching 5 stacks the duration doubles but cannot be refreshed.

Developer Comment:

The current iteration of Chaotic Whirlwind was a rework back in 2019 to serve as a stopgap to give the set some love, but ultimately didn't hit the marks we were going for. We wanted a set that enabled you to feel like the name implied - a tempest of chaos wreaking havoc on the battlefield as you spun and won. The new iteration gives a chaotic feel as your movement speed goes up and down in the heat of combat with its offensive bonus, with some natural synergy built in to ensure you always are getting something.






(2)Concentrated Force(集中フォース)

This set now requires successive casting of Force Shock within 5 seconds of each other, up from 2, to allow for more breathing room in a real combat rotation.



(1)Assassin's Guile(アサシンの幻惑)

Fixed an issue where Minor Heroism granted by poisons was not properly buffed by this set.


(2)Mechanical Acuity(機械的精度)

This item now grants a stack of Mechanical Acuity for 4 seconds whenever you deal non-Critical Damage, granting you 20% Critical Chance per stack, up to once every half second. After this effect ends or reaches 5 stacks, it cannot occur again for 25 seconds.

Developer Comment:

This change was done to help tone down the burst enabling nature of this set, where it significantly increased your kill potential with no real draw back. Now the set has a natural build up phase and properly gets weaker the more Critical Chance you already have, as it makes it harder to generate stacks as you build them.




(3)Way of the Arena(アリーナの流儀)

The 5 piece bonus from this set now also grants up to 165 Weapon and Spell Damage.


8.Dungeon & Arena(ダンジョン・アリーナ)

(1)Elemental Succession(継承の属性)

This set now grants its bonuses randomly per element when you deal any source of Flame, Frost, or Shock Damage, rather than firing each bonus independently per element.

Developer Comment:

This change was done to ensure its power is not outright better than the flat bonus versions of these sets, such as Silks of the Sun, as well as to significantly reduce the amount of logic checks being done per second on the backend.




(2)Mighty Glacier(強き氷河)

Fixed an issue where this set was not proccing from Potions or Poisons.


(3)The Worm’s Raiment(虫の教団)

This set’s 2-piece bonus is now Magicka Recovery rather than Spell Damage to match Hircine’s Vineer.


(4)Thunder Caller(サンダーコーラー)

Fixed an issue where this set’s damage was considered melee rather than ranged.


9.Monster Masks(モンスターマスク)


Updated some Monster Mask set masks to use the correct terminology for their weights. They now use "Guise" for light, "Mask" for medium, and "Visage" for heavy. This change affects:




Maw of the Infernal(業火のモー)


Valkyn Skoria(ヴァルキン・スコリア)


This set now fires both its Flame and Physical Damage rings at the same time at half the original damage, and grants Weapon and Spell Damage while standing inside.

Developer Comment:

These changes were done since it is now much more common to have the same amount of Weapon and Spell Damage, and before it defaulted to only picking the Flame version if these stats were the same.




10.PvP Sourced(PvP)

(1)Dark Convergence(闇の収束)

Reduced this set's damage by approximately 59% but increased the scaling per target to 50%, up from 10%.

Reduced the radius of the effect to 10 meters, down from 12.

This set now pulls once after its delay, rather than twice over its duration.

The pull now pulls all nearby targets rather than 6 per pull so that it remains effective against large groups.

Developer Comment:

This set is currently seeing a lot of success in its original target area of killing large groups and players who don't respect the Area of Effect. However, it's doing its job a little too well and being run in situations of low target counts, which has led to situations where the set feels too good at a general purpose rather than something more niche like Vicious Death. We're reigning in the damage a bit so it's less effective against small player counts, the radius to better match its visual effects, and the pull to reduce situations of being yo-yoed around.







(2)Deadly Strikes(致死の一撃)

Reduced this sets damage done bonus to over time and channeled abilities to 15%, down from 18%.


(3)Morag Tong(モラグ・トング)

Fixed an issue where this set did not proc off some attacks, such as Acid Spray.


(4)Wrath of the Imperium(帝国の憤怒)

This set now grants 129 Weapon and Spell Damage for its 2-piece and 325 Weapon and Spell Damage to ranged Direct Damage attacks for its 3-pieces, rather than 657 Spell Critical and 1829 Spell Critical for those attacks.



(1)Chaotic Whirlwind(混沌の旋風)

Updated the audio associated with this set.


(2)Mantle of Siroria(シロリアのマント)

This set now only procs off of Light and Heavy Attacks, rather than any source of single target Direct Damage.

